View Full Version : Party Boat Advice

11-14-2017, 01:32 PM
Hey all,

I'm mostly a freshwater angler, but have done some saltwater fishing too, only ever from shore. I'm getting ready to try a party boat for the first time and I couldn't be more excited! That said I have a few questions before i schedule a trip.

My first question is what do I have the best chance of catching? I've never caught a striper in my life and would really like to do that, but I hear I may have a better chance of actually catching fish if I target sea bass/porgies. I'd be happy catching anything, so I'd really like to hear peoples opinions on it.

Next, what's your favorite party boat? I'm definitely going to sail with one of the site sponsors, but they all seem great and I'm having a tough time deciding!

Lastly, I have very little in the ways of saltwater gear and tackle. Most boats have rental rods so I'm most likely going to do that, but what about bait? I know some boats supply bait, usually clams, but if something else works better I'd make the stop and a B&T shop to help ensure I catch something. Hell, I'd be happy if the only thing I caught all day was a peanut bunker, but I want to catch as many different species as I can.

Thanks in advance for helping out a newbie!

11-14-2017, 01:43 PM
Stick with sea bass and porgies it's a slaughter now. Everything else is chancy. Hit the J2 and don't forget your seasick pills.

11-14-2017, 01:49 PM
I've made 4 trips on the Fisherman out of the Atlantic Highlands marina in the last 4 weeks and always caught fish. Capt Ron Jr & Sr. are both great captains. Real helpful. Stripers are on the menu right now and they are being caught on both shads and diamond jigs. All available with rods on board. I am going again on Friday with them.If you are a newbie, they are helpful along with Joe, the mate. For my money, that is my "ship"...Good luck with whomever you go..see ya later, Rammie

Gerry Zagorski
11-14-2017, 02:01 PM
If you want to take fish home I think Sea Bass would be your best bet, Stripers would be 2nd on the list. If you are after a trophy fish then definitely Stripers.

11-14-2017, 02:08 PM
Stop by Atlantic Bait & Tackle. Talk to Pete he will guide you in the right direction. He will also give very good advice on tackle set up for whatever you will fish for

11-14-2017, 03:10 PM
Sea bass and porgies along with the giant bluefish that eat them are hot right now. I would recommend a trip with the Paramount or Jamaica II, probably one of the 9 hr trips rather than a longer one given that ocean fishing is generally not your thing. Bring layers of clothes and plenty of food and drink.

11-15-2017, 12:50 PM
I'd start off out of the Atlantic Highlands fishing for Stripers till you get your sea legs.

Take a kid fishing
11-15-2017, 01:45 PM
Party Boat...Fisherman he’ll always put you on fish. stripers now.

11-16-2017, 06:37 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll report back and let you know what I decided and how I do. Tight lines!

11-16-2017, 06:47 PM
Striper fishing is hot right now.Go on the Fisherman.