View Full Version : It's gotta change

11-08-2017, 10:41 AM
This is bad. Too much fighting between fishermen.

First the regulators put recs against commercial fishermen. Then state against state. Then it was private boat guys against for-hire boat guys. Now it's offshore guys against inshore fishermen.

One of the first rules of warfare: Divide and Conquer. That is exactly what the system, under the influence of the environmental industry, has got us into. These lobbying groups have nothing to lose while they keep raking in the $.

The sea bass population was increasing when it was 25 fish bag limit at 12" year-round. Now 230% rebuilt and we gotta cut back because we can't help but catch too many.

If fishermen would spend their effort on getting the quota increased, instead of fighting for their share of a shrinking piece of a small pie, we might have a chance to accomplish something.

The commission needs to be put in its place. We need common sense in fisheries regs. Or we will continue to lose fishing oppertunities.

Jim Donafria with RFA is in Washington today. From what I understand, he has an audience with the house. Let's hope he can get some reasonable wording put into Magnunson.

11-08-2017, 11:04 AM
Hopefully Jim's views on fishing doesn't fall on deaf ears.

11-08-2017, 12:43 PM
Maybe our new governor will help. Sort of looks like a tautog.

Capt Joe
11-08-2017, 01:11 PM
you meant doucebag, Frugal!

11-08-2017, 03:34 PM
Yup....our new Gov.......we r f--ked

Joey Dah Fish
11-08-2017, 04:28 PM
As stated above we should all be fighting for a higher quota. This is a great point but that's a federal matter. There is very good reason to join together on common ground issues. I think it's also important to understand we can remain divided on other issues. I support fighting for higher quotas. I do not support taking away any share of our already limited quota to just a few boats and have the many suffer for same.

11-08-2017, 07:10 PM
Well said Capt Bob.
Joey Da fish agree with your points as well.
Its unfortunate that others decided to highjack this post with political PARTY agenda. We have a post from a reputable sponser captain asking for UNITY of all fishermen on the issues that matter most and it gets tainted by political party Governer BS.
Did we fare well after 8 years of Christie? NO
Will we fare well with Murphy? TBD but doubtful
Its NOT the point!
Been saying this for years. IT DOESNT MATTER which political party is in control federal or state , until fishermen are one voice the politicians OWN YOU.
If we are ONE voice in numbers then and only then will they (either party ) do something. That doesnt mean changing your opinion on political party IT means pushing your belief on FISHING issues until you get a result and if you care about fishing then who gives a crap which political party cares back?
We need unity on Fishing issues

Capt Joe
11-08-2017, 07:25 PM
"tainted" Now thats funny right there.

Joey Dah Fish
11-08-2017, 08:40 PM
Though this doesn’t pertain to NJ, NY had a meeting today. There will be no feb sea bass opening and they’re facing a 15-17% reduction in quota next year. Fairly safe to assume but not fact the NJ will suffer same.
Tog NY is facing 2% reduction facing losing 10-12 days fall season but adding April 2 fish at 16”