Joey Tomato
11-05-2017, 10:23 PM
It has been a slow start for Stripers this year. Water is still in the 60's but they have made a turn in the Raritan. So I knew that they would be in the area soon. Many people have called me, anxious to go Striper fishing, but I had not caught any and I did not feel right telling people they are here and we can catch them. Today was different. The conditions were not the best so we left the dock at 11 AM and trolled down the coast. The markings were there and there were fish on the recorder for the first time. Then it hit and hit hard I knew it was a big fish because it was fighting hard. It was a 48 inch slob that weight 40.5 LBs. Good feeling and now I feel comfortable taking people fishing for Stripers.