View Full Version : Joey Tomatos Fishing Charters

Joey Tomato
11-04-2017, 10:28 PM
Novemeber 16th. Black fish season opens with a 6 fish limit for each person. This year so far the Black fish have been abundant. They are one of the most exciting fish to catch. They sneak up on the bait with a small tap tap tap and when you feel that and pull on the line there is a fast furious bite to follow. With the cold water coming down the coast Stripers are dripping in but each day it gets closer to the slam dunk. Then there is Sea Bass and with the right places to go to it is easy to get each man their limit of 15 fish. Here we go what we have been waiting for Sea Bass Stripers and Blackfish what better to be able to choose which will be your pleasure? I'm OPEN take a look at my web site joeytomatosfishingcharters.com and choose your dates. Or call me Captain Joe 732-684-8739