View Full Version : iPad and Droid Visitors

Gerry Zagorski
10-28-2017, 10:33 AM
Need some help here from iPad and Droid users... When you are on the message board do you see the social media sharing buttons?

On my computer and my iPhone they are shown on the side.... Not showing on my iPad but some say they are seeing them at the bottom of the page.

Thanks for your help and let me know what you're seeing...

And for those of you who didn't know, these buttons allow you to share posts or other content on our site to sites like Facbook, Twitter or to email then to others.

10-28-2017, 10:43 AM
Samsung galaxy s8 user here. Social buttons on the bottom Gerry.

10-28-2017, 11:20 AM
iPad buttons on bottom.

10-28-2017, 03:27 PM
Galaxy s8 bottom of page

10-28-2017, 05:23 PM
iPhone bottom of screen

10-28-2017, 05:44 PM
iPad, buttons on bottom

Pennsy Guy
10-28-2017, 07:28 PM
droid--left side

Angler Paul
10-28-2017, 08:15 PM
Buttons are on the bottom of my LG V6.

NJ Dave
10-28-2017, 08:58 PM
Samsung S6

shrimpman steve
10-28-2017, 09:53 PM
Bottom of my I phone but I don’t have a FB or Twitter account.

10-29-2017, 07:52 AM
Droid. Bottom

10-29-2017, 09:53 AM
Bottom of iPad 4 running IOS 10.3.3