View Full Version : Gambler 36hr tuna

Pennsy Guy
10-26-2017, 10:28 PM
Just back from a VERY bumpy trip--high end of NOAA's forecast, plus....Capt. Bob headed for the Hudson---stopped at a wreck for 2 drifts(1 dogfish,1 small sea bass, 1 gator bluefish). Started looking for a shot of warmer than 62* water and after a 4 hour banging, ended up @ the Lindy(1 of my favs) & anchored. At night the rain came on & off with only 2 rat swords safely released. Porpoise and squid traded places in the lights all night along with a mako that bit off after seconds. Water here was the warmest around, 67.9*. Nothing until about 8 AM with rain finally stopped but wind now cranking, Charlie tuna gets a 60# YFT on and in; then @ about 8:30,on a slow retrieve of a store bought sardine 75-100' from the boat, I get hooked up on 40# test. After4-5 mins rod snaps @ the 4th guide from top--fish is still there & on low gear, we get a 50# mean, lean & green YFT in the boat. Another was dropped on the jig after it went under the boat. That was that! And with a honking NE wind we started in @ 9:30 with everything secured. Back at the dock just before 6PM. Oh, also had the stray mahi @ night. Boat swung on it's leash but wasn't bad and not all the time(as the wind changed direction)...We did get beat up a bit but most hung in despite the conditions...Bob burned some fuel looking/getting us the very few fish.
Crew, Capt.'s Todd, Greg and mates Chris and Chris J. were @ their best helping everyone & adding a bit of jocularity throughout(and ball-busting). Kudos to Capt. Bob, crew and the anglers for hanging at the rail throughout...
What a season!!!!!

Capt. Debbie
10-27-2017, 10:10 AM

Not for trying, you can not raise fish that are no where near you.

Was a Tom's Canyon last Saturday and heard nothing about any tuna on the 3 dozen boats out there, including two party boats. We got a barely legal sword, one chicken dolphin. Surrounded by squid, porpoises, and blue dogs all night long. And burning a lot of money to see them too.

The 2017 was a stinker for fluke too. Just a plain sh&t year for fishing in northern NJ. Don't know if down south is an better. Not much room left to be worse. LOL

Pennsy Guy
10-27-2017, 10:51 AM
Capt., agree 110%---scheduled for Sunday/Monday 24hr but with 20'ers & 45kts that's not happening. Does not look good for November either...guess that's it for the year. Felt bad for the charters/PB's this year. With all the crap political/regs this year, weather has to stick it to them also. It's no wonder some have/are calling it a wrap...

10-27-2017, 06:09 PM
Thanx for posting.

11-04-2017, 06:30 PM
I've had it with the tuna - still keeping my multiple 30's and 50's but have just invested in surf equipment. Went to Grumpy's ordered a custom ODM rod. WTF with the tuna this season and last season!!!

Pennsy Guy
11-04-2017, 07:26 PM
I hear you Joe, but what am I gonna do? Who's there when I see boat-houses and lagoons?
On the other hand, being a gluten for punishment, hope to go this coming Tuesday night---weather looks doable(so far), 67* on the Hudson slopes-63-4* everywhere else. Enough guys to go? that's the question...
Surf rod good for jigging? LOL But good for you, expand your horizons; no, really.....I would if I still lived down there...