View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Wednesday Update.....

10-25-2017, 12:48 PM
FISHERMEN/Wednesday Update.....

We didn't sail the past two days with the weather. Ocean was still nasty today with a pretty good ground swell.

Wind is going into the W-NW tonight so it should knock down what is left of that swell. Last trip out was Monday.

We found some fish inshore then offshore to finish out the day. Way too many short Sea Bass for the amount of keepers that the fishing produced. Caught the Porgies but no where near what we had the past several weeks. A couple tog each trip also.

Weather looks good for a couple days then possibly some more crap on Monday.

The Striped Bass fishing is not happening right now for us, hopefully some colder weather the next week or so will get things going. We will not start until some fish show in our area. I will certainly post updates as everyone is asking when we are going to start. Trust me, no-body wants to bass fish more than me but I'm not going on Stroke trips just to prove a point......

Capt. Ron

Capt John
10-25-2017, 02:41 PM
Well said Capt. I follow the same guidelines.