View Full Version : NJFishing.com Bait and Tackle Talk

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  1. Black fish rod opinions
  2. Okuma Avenger Baitfeeder...
  3. Weekend Crabs
  4. Merry christmas
  5. Jigging World End Of Year Sale!
  6. Top shot for tog fishing
  7. WTB Fenwick LB966
  8. Bottom fish tapers
  9. Whit crabs
  10. Knife maker
  11. Fluke rod
  12. White Leggers in Pt Pleasant?
  13. Tuna reel.
  14. White and Green Crabs
  15. Spinning Reel Reccomendations
  16. Reel Suggestions
  17. Tog commanders
  18. Prayers for Sam
  19. Maxel hybrid 20 reel: thoughts? Quality? Service?
  20. Looking for a rod to go with Accurate BV 300
  21. Fishing expo:pal center in parsippany is back!
  22. Question about spoolng new reel
  23. Party boat rod for jigging blues/stripers
  24. Looking to service Reels
  25. Message to Shrimpman Steve
  26. Hermits
  27. Electric Reels
  28. Fly Fishing Show in Somerset
  29. Penn Peerless 9.....
  30. Mono for a "non-casting" situation...
  31. Home-made gaff
  32. The Greatest Show on Earth!
  33. Truck is packed for Hi-Mar
  34. Avet Reel
  35. MoJos
  36. Surf Day 2016
  37. Bass pro shops,ct
  38. Lure Identification
  39. Opinions on Ugly Stik Tiger Lite Rods
  40. Tile fish gear
  41. Fish poison rods
  42. Palmers Tackle new jigs series
  43. What's your favorite Mono???
  44. Live lining reel for snag and fish
  45. Avet SX vs. Shimano Saragosa 10000
  46. 5/0 owner hooks
  47. too few guides
  48. Time to get back to work
  49. Asbury Park Flea Market This Sunday
  50. VMC Inline Single Hooks
  51. Mojo Trolling
  52. Jack Cravelle from the beach
  53. Bulk purchase of fluke bucktails
  54. Rod Cleaning
  55. Fresh Clams and Blood Worms
  56. Maxel Hybrid Star Drag Reel
  57. Your thoughts wanted
  58. Fresh Bunker and Clams
  59. Stormr Typhoon Jacket
  60. Palmers Tackle new jigs for 2016
  61. bait runner reel
  62. Hot Pink Twisters
  63. 3 Avet Reels
  64. Deer Tails
  65. Tog rod
  66. Hot spots for Carp/catfish up to 15m from Union?
  67. Suggestions for a penn reel for a 9ft st croix mojo surf rod
  68. Help with Fish Poison options
  69. Question on Kayak Fishing in the Spring
  70. zara spook puppys
  71. Favorite combo for Mojos 16 oz
  72. New Arrivals! New pink 9" Shad & Tandem Rigs!
  73. Suggestions for shads for surf casting for strikers
  74. Wire line trolling maintenance
  75. Mo-jo s,..stretche"s clams and green crabs
  76. Cutting a rod tip?
  77. Palmers tackle new jig and teaser series
  78. Underhand Casting
  79. White Leggers for sale?
  80. boots
  81. Wtb furuno 585 rear mounting bracket
  82. Wide Gap Hooks-fluke
  83. Bait and Tackle Stores (Shrewsbury - Navasink)
  84. clams
  85. Fall Tuna Planning - Jigging
  86. Anyone fish the Jigging Master Ocean Devil PE4?
  87. Does anyone know
  88. Atlantic Bait & Tackle
  89. Customer Appreciation – Free Bucktails Contest
  90. Palmers New Backwater and teaser jigs--Snooties
  91. Star Nicklelite Rods
  92. Mann stretch plugs
  93. KastKing Braid, opinions?
  94. The Reel Seat
  95. Penn rod
  96. Is the reel life B&T closed?
  97. Bunker net
  98. Rod and reel repair?
  99. Gulp juice?
  100. Gulp Recommendation
  101. Mojo Inshore rods for fluke
  102. Fluke Casting Reel
  103. Fresh or frozen bunker for chum
  104. All primed and ready for the Fluke opener May 21 st.
  105. Wreck Fishing - Spinning or Conventional Reel
  106. Treble Hooks on Diving PLugs
  107. Penn Fathom or Avet?
  108. Striper go to hook
  109. fluke reel/ rod set up
  110. Sixgill reels
  111. Excite a bite discontinued
  112. fish poison or black widow
  113. Gulp Squid Vicious
  114. How often do you change your braid?
  115. Favorite color bucktail?
  116. Shark Hunters ....
  117. Black 1/2 oz fluke jigs
  118. Harness and belt recommendation
  119. Im making the switch.
  120. Shoprite squid
  121. Fin-Nor's
  122. Fluke bait
  123. Shark Fishing This Weekend??
  124. Sun Protective Clothing
  125. Electric Reel Recommendation
  126. Live lining bunker question
  127. Fluke jigging rod
  128. Deer tails
  129. crab pots?
  130. New arrivals from Jigging World! 11 New fluke rigs!
  131. Best Deal on Braid?
  132. Avet LX Recommendation?
  133. mono backing for braid
  134. any upgrades available for an old Shimano Curado?
  135. Making a one piece rod 2 piece
  136. Braid to Mono weld......
  137. Who makes the best custom rods
  138. Savage Shrimp
  139. Reel Seat in Brielle - A Public Thanks
  140. Icast show
  141. Catching Baby Snappers
  142. Surf reel opinions please
  143. vipor spoon
  144. Reel recommdations
  145. New daiwa bg's now in stock
  146. Blackfish question
  147. Circle hooks for fluke
  148. Tuna Fishing On a Budget
  149. Fluke, Seabass, jigging rod question.
  150. Worn Bucktail Paint.
  151. Rod Holder Recommendation
  152. Shimano Curado thoughts
  153. Fresh Peanut Bunker
  154. Using the Gulp !!!
  155. Otter Tails
  156. Tuna Gear Recommendations
  157. Gulp Sale at Atlantic Bait and Tackle
  158. Abu Garcia Reel Repair
  159. Tuna jigs
  160. Looking for the best value in fishing pliers
  161. green crabs
  162. The Mahi shall surrender!
  163. rod for Shimano bait runner 6000d
  164. Penn 50 sw
  165. Diawa rod repair advice
  166. PB Porgy fishing
  167. Need New Bibs. Recommendation ?
  168. Looks for comfortable mid-rise fishing boots
  169. FRTC Fall Fishing Flea Market Oct 8th
  170. Blackfishing line
  171. Drysuit for yak fishing
  172. Live bait=dead fish
  173. Mahi Reel Partyboat
  174. Shimano Terez TZC66XH
  175. New arrivals! Black Widow Series Rods!
  176. Keeping Gulp Fresh
  177. Filet knife for Porgys
  178. New Poster Guy
  179. rod clamps with safety ring
  180. Cork casting rod with trigger grip
  181. What Artificial lures for Stripers and Blues?
  182. Is 30lb mono line ok for blackfishing?
  183. Effingers is Going Out of Business
  184. Flat Sinkers?
  185. Bass Pro is buying Cabela's
  186. NEW Deep Water Fishing Rods from Jigging World
  187. Belmar rig
  188. Line
  189. Gambler Inshore Exotic Trip
  190. 9' 2 pc. Surf Rods
  191. Cash rules this weekend
  192. Davy Jones at the Forked River Flea market!
  193. Makos, Tuna,Sworfish,Marlin BEWARE!!!
  194. FRTC Fall Fishing Flea Markt is Tomorrow!!!!
  195. Your Favorite Blackfish Rod is Back!
  196. Blackfish Beware!
  197. Mono at night on party boats
  198. Truck bed rod rack....
  199. FRTC Fall Bass and Blues Tournament
  200. WTVFC Fishing Sportsman's Flea Market
  201. Hot hands
  202. Base Layer
  203. Bunker Spoon Rods
  204. FRTC Bass And Blues New Prizes
  205. Wire line spoon rods/right off the rack!
  206. Best terminal tackle for tuna jigging
  207. worlds best surf rods!
  208. Slippery when wet!
  209. parachute jig molds
  210. I just want ot catch a lot of Blackfish,and BIG ONES!
  211. Bunker Spoons/MoJO's/Deep Divers/ Stripers-Blackfish
  212. Bait?
  213. Blackfish Blackfish Blasckfish
  214. Davy Jones to West Trenton Flea Market
  215. Gloves for Tog Fishing?
  216. Tog mania!!!!
  217. White crabs
  218. Christmas is coming!
  219. Fillet knife recommendation?
  220. Rod Question???
  221. Hermit crabs needed for saturday pickup
  222. Took a trip to Jigging World
  223. Stripers/Sea Bass/Tuna/Cod/Fluke/catch them all!
  224. TGT Spoon Spreader
  225. Mojo Bunker Spoon Tandem
  226. Rod Repair?
  227. Gear for sea bass marathon?
  228. Flea Market
  229. Gaff hook?
  230. Christmas is closing in!
  231. Blackfish Sea Bass Stripers Tuna
  232. Christmas present question
  233. Daiwa day, tomorrow dec 10th, daiwa combo give away!!
  234. Tog Daddy's
  235. Christmas gifts for your favorite fisherman or woman
  236. Fresh of the rack!!!
  237. Plugging Rod and Reel
  238. Fish poison rods/gift certificates
  239. Order Your Green Crabs For The Weekend
  240. Got Crabs!?
  241. Rod Cleaning
  242. Blackfish jig setup
  243. Tog tile sea bass tuna fluke
  244. Quantum Reels
  245. Need Crabs?
  246. Bunker spoon rod tip conversion
  247. Tog leader?
  248. Gift certicates!!!!!!
  249. Last Week for Holiday D/C Promotion--Silver Bullet Rods Are Here!
  250. Knife Sharpener