- travel rod for jamaica
- Shimano Baitrunner 6500B vs 6000D
- Excite-A-Bite ?
- Used mono fishing line - recycle place?
- NanoFil
- Seeker Baby Ulua for offshore seabass and blackfish
- Good Read- Field and Stream Article on UV Tackle
- Avet MXL for Fluke
- Matching rods for Maxel Ocean Max Reels
- Fastach Clip from Mustad KVD.
- do fiberglaas or graphite ferrules exist?
- Bucktails
- BLood Worms and Fresh Clams
- Quality colored deer tails ??
- Palmers tackle New squid jigs for 2014
- Deep Drop Lights
- Fishing Kayak Sale
- Avet service
- fluking question
- Building a quad fluid bed ...Air Supply ???
- Okuma Safina Pro Combo
- Fluro Rigs For Bucktailing Fluke
- Daiwa Lexa 300
- Spring Fever. Trout opens Saturday
- Group of local guys have started up an auction site for only fishing tackle!
- PRIDE Fishing Tackle Spring SALE! Sat. April 5th
- Palmers tackle Party/Charter program--Expanded capability
- Using Light Sticks trolling for tuna
- Penn Senator Rods
- Penn Senator Rods
- Opinion: Best SW spinning reel less than $300?
- Order Your Bait Now
- Another one of my favorite fluke jiggers
- Accuplate Reel Identification
- Fish finder
- More Avet reels just arrived
- This just in. Frozen Bait
- Jersey Hooker Outfitters Back Reopened
- Spring Cleaning Event !!!! 4/26-4/27
- Fly tying for beginner
- Pictures from Panama of a JJ Popping Rod
- Owner All Purpose Hooks
- Downrigger weights. What to use?
- Fresh bunker
- Tilefish reel recommendation
- Palmers tackle New Items
- UV Glow Teasers good up to 600'
- Tuna Rocket Special - 5 lures shipped $59 / Save 35%
- Best Place To Buy Jig Powder Paint ???
- IT is a Nasty day .....Great time to check that Tackle
- clam chum prices
- Dancing squid
- Deep Drop Tackle Advice
- Codfish Reel
- Killed It With My New Garone Custom Rod
- Calstar 700XL fluke jigger
- Custom St Croix Freshwater rod
- Seeker Inshore Lite for the "Meat Man" with some bite
- Some unique components available for custom builds
- Couple of custom Saltywater Tackle OBX400 spinners
- Insulated Fish Bag Back Packs - Kayaks & Surf!!
- what rigs for ling?
- Time to get those UV jigs ready!!!
- Avet Lever Drag Adjustment
- Jersey Jigger Rods for the Kayak
- Palmers Tackle --seabass and fluke Tackle!
- Striper jigs--good for blues Too!
- Custom Temple Reef Stealth STK 72M for stripers and blues
- Sweet Seeker Inshore Lite
- Hanta Kampachi 76F
- Jigging World Tackle Boxes with 4 rod holders and system tray!!
- Palmers tackle New website design and Now MOBILE PHONE FRIENDLY
- Palmers Tackle -New Fluke RIPPLE RIGS
- Custom Green Machines - ANY COLOR!!!!
- Ultra-light Bar / Lighter than a Daisy Chain
- Gigantic Killies are here
- Memorial Weekend Surf Sale…Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!!!
- New Arrivals! Saragosa, Stella, Penn Torque Power handles!
- Ready for Fluke!
- Wholesale Killies - Point Pleasant Area
- Lexa 300 Models for Inshore
- Video of Jersey Jigger Rod - with a fish much bigger than the rod is made for..
- Lamiglas Fluke Rod
- rewrap
- Shark Chum, rigs, Harpoons, and Flying Gaffs
- Yo Zuri Excite-A-Bite ?
- 2014 Gulp and Bucktail Club Jersey Hooker Outfitters
- Custom Hanta popping rods special pricing!
- Hardware question
- 189 lb. Mako
- 2014 New Bucktail--8 oz in Stock!!//Gulp in Stock!
- Looking for gulp in North Jersey
- palmers tackle gulp jigs--we were the first and still the best
- Shark Tournaments
- Shark tournaments
- New Arrivals! Free Shirt or Hat for any orders over $100.00!
- Offshore Preparation...Do not wait
- What gulp to use on teaser
- Fresh load of GIGANTIC killies
- Donation Shark Rods for the Warriors for Warriors shark tournament
- Couple of tilefish rods my specialty!
- Phenix Megalodon 608 in Pink!
- Shimano TR 200-G
- What is this thing?
- Sale July 3 - 13th
- Wife's New Set Up
- Super Fluker for Stripbait
- Calstar 700XL Spinner for Frank
- Black Hole 150G for Captain Rich of MR Charters
- Couple of fluke jiggers for 2 brothers
- yeti cooler
- Winthrop Tackle Guides and components available to custom builders.
- Palmers tackle tourney time discount 15% off
- Flat line outrigger clips
- Fluke rod to pair with calcutta 400
- Native Ultimate 12 Loaded
- Customer Testimonial
- Now carrying Baitmaster Offshore Baits
- Blackfish Reels
- Power Handle for Shimano Calcuta D series reels!
- Pro Cure Bait Dye
- Abalone Inlayed Black Hole Giant rods featuring Winthrop Tackle hardware
- Washing down a conventional reel after use
- palmer bucktails
- Lexa 300 pwrs over stock sale $139.99
- Jersey Hooker Custom Black Fish Rods !!!
- Sun Glasses on Sale this Week
- Viper Lures In Stock
- Viper spoons
- Get Ready For The Offshore Bite
- Peruvian smelt in Northern NJ
- Thundermist T-Turn Swivels re-stocked
- Bucktails or Jigheads
- Daiwa makes a left-handed conventional reel -now in stock
- bonita/false albacore reel
- Saltywater Tackle Race Point 200 custom
- Jigging World Light Aluminum Fighting Harness with Support Belt!
- Fluke Bucktail Spin Rod Action Question
- Bluefish Line Question ?
- Squid Attractant?
- Flouro Leader vs. Straight up Braid
- If you had to pick one all around inshore rod.
- New Hours for September ..AHBTB
- Striper setup
- Need a new fluke/sea bass jigging rod
- Bluefish hooks ?
- Rigged Ballyhoo and Rigged Squid
- Check this out. Color changing jigs
- UV user reviews ??????????????????
- Palmers tackle new fall 2014 products
- Palmers new gold hammered ava jigs
- Retail Showroom almost ready!
- rod holder for party boat tuna
- Picked Up My Sinkers from Sinker Man Sam
- 9/28-9/30 Sale Sale Sale
- Release Reels
- Fiddler Crabs
- Re: Palmers Tackle NJFISHING .COM 20% fall kickoff sale
- Alberto Knot For Top Shots
- Efinger Fall Fishing Sale September 26th - October 5th
- Need help with a rod rack
- Battle II in stock NOW
- Seeker Rod Customer Service
- looking for cooler racks
- Simplest Snell
- Spro prime bucktail jig sale !
- Gulp Sale $4.99 all must go !!!!!!!!!!
- Reel Service Special December-January !!!!
- Green Crabs Instock
- Shipping alot of sand eels
- Sea Bass baits
- Penn International 16's
- New Arrivals! Poppers, Stick baits, 2~6oz Hammered Diamon Jigs, Kavler line! etc..
- Honest Wind Resistant lighter arrived!
- Abu garcia parts?
- PALMERS TACKLE sea bass rigs
- Palmers tackle siwash teaser sp minnow replacements
- Alabama rig?
- hollow core braid
- Big Pit Reel for Carp and Surf Fishing
- Palmers tackle 15% off sea bass / tog rig sale
- New St Croix SCIII surf rod for sale
- Pflueger Rod - Need top of 2 Piece.
- Gulp Powerbait shelf life once opened
- Gibbs Lures Now In Stock
- Fluke spinning rod
- Captain Rich's Personal Fluke Jigger for sale
- Trinidad 50's and custom calstar 30-80# (2)
- Blackfish - TOG - Blackfish!!!
- JHO Veterans Day Sale !!!!! Save !!!
- 9ers now in stock
- Power Pro vs Generic
- What's the best website for finding value of used gear?
- Jigging rod question
- Opinions on the Daiwa Lexa 3500 Spinning Reel
- Call Now and Order Your Crabs for Opening Day
- Now taking deertail orders--
- Wire Line Rods and Reels
- Garone Custom Rods New Shop and Holiday Gift Certificates
- Reel Service
- Order your Crabs for the Weekend
- Blackfish Jigs ??
- White Leggers
- Blackfish rods.
- Opinions, Please, on Tsunami TSAWIC-701MLF!
- Kids sticks-Christmas rods!
- "CHICK STICKS" fishing rods
- Bulk snelled tog hooks
- Black Friday Sale! 25% or more!!
- Reel Seat Black Friday Super Sale!
- Palmers tackle 20% off BLACK FRIDAY SALE!
- Black Friday Weekend Sale
- Black friday sale extended thru cyber monday!!
- Who services Van Staal reels??
- Conventional livelining setup
- Christmas rod orders! Getting Close!!!!
- which stormr jacket
- Custom Rod / Present - Questions
- C16 dacron & Cortland Masterbraid 20% OFF
- Blackfish Beware!!!
- Kids sticks, Fluke rods, Blackfish rods
- Telecopic fishing rod help
- Need a fillet knife recommendation
- Hermit Crabs. short term storage.
- Best place to buy bulk unpainted jig heads?
- Ocea Jigger Info
- Christmas Sale at Atlantic Bait and Tackle
- Christmas Stcks
- Anyone have any pics of their kick-butt gulp fluke rigs
- Rods Rods Rods Christmas
- gulp recharge
- Holiday shopping offshore gear :)
- Lefty Avet Reels in Stock
- Custom tog rod!
- Name ready
- hooks for do-it mold
- Where can I find white loggers in Atl Highlands
- Sale still going on
- Stinger hooks on bucktails best knot around hook bend?
- topshot
- Looking for a bushel of white leggers
- power handles
- rod question
- Spearing
- Topshot for tiles?
- Sea Robin jigs
- drag washers
- Offshore Sea bass, Blackfish, Striper rods