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  1. Man Working Sunday report
  2. Rightaway Sun Porgies
  3. Rock Bottom weekend fluke to 7.5lbs
  4. A few doormats (10.5 and 11) and mutliple 5+
  5. PICS of more in the 8-10 lb class big ones from the last few weeks
  6. Lost a tide runner tonight :(
  7. keyport seahawk - fluke and seabass window with some classic douchebaggery
  8. Down Deep - 8/28 Ocean Wreck Fishing . . . . .
  9. KATHY K overnight hudson
  10. Big Jamaic Weekend Reports
  11. Prowler 5 Sunday fluke sea bass and night wreck
  12. Lady m charters / open boat fluke & mudhole trip
  13. "Professional" Charter Boat Captain...
  14. Golden Eagle - GOOD DAY OF BLUEFISHING
  16. FISHERMEN/MONDAYS Fishing Report....
  17. Reel Class Monday 8/29 Fluke & Seabass
  18. Shark River Reef
  19. Big Mohawk
  20. RIGHTAWAY III They're still here 8/28 & 8/29
  21. Paramount Combo Fishing Today
  22. Sandy Hook today
  23. Party Boat Angler Monday report
  24. forecast for tues 8/30
  25. Inlet mahi
  26. FISHERMEN 8/30 Night Fishing Report
  27. 264.5 & 201.5 Big-Eyes and almost 20 Yellowfin - Last Minute Weekend Opening
  28. Golden Eagle - Blues Fishing Report
  29. Party Boat Angler Tuesday Fluke Report
  30. FISHERMEN 8/30 Night Fishing Report
  31. Missing bluefish
  32. This time it was - Old Guys Drool (truth in reporting)
  33. Today @ the Hook
  34. FISHERMEN/Tuesday & Wednesdays Report....
  35. Golden Eagle - 3 - 5 lb. BLUES
  36. Big Mohawk
  37. Big Jamaica Wednesday Trip
  38. Slow fluke day but a 4lb TOG
  39. Mad gaffer bottom fishing report Wed 8/31
  40. Prowler5 - Wed., Aug. 31st n Sun., 28th Wreck Report
  41. Party Boat angler Wednesday Report
  42. Fall Mullet Run
  43. Down Deep - 8/31 6 am Porgies & Weakfish . . . . .
  44. Down Deep Bull - 8/31 6 am Jumbo Ocean Fluke
  45. Striped Bass Bonus Program
  46. FISHERMEN 8/31 Night Fishing Report- Excellent Porgy Fishing
  47. Tenacious Canyon Report 8/31-White Marlin, Blue Marlin, Yellowfins
  48. Big Mohawk
  49. Prowler 5 Thursday fluke
  50. Current Sandy Hook & Raritan Bay Conditions
  51. Amberjack!
  52. first 24hr tuna trip
  53. How's the ocean?
  54. Night PB trip next Friday?
  55. FISHERMEN 9/1 Night Fishing Report
  56. Down Deep - 9/1 6 am Porgyfest
  57. MoCo Surf 09-01-2016
  58. Down Deep Bull - 9/1 Fluke & quick bailjob . . . . . .
  59. looks like a good weekend for the canyons
  60. 9/1 overnighter limit of YFT
  62. Prowler 5 Friday fluke and weekend schedule
  63. jenny lee 8/31/16 open boat load!!!
  64. FISHERMEN/Fridays fishing report....Ocean Fishing.
  65. Thursday Ling/Flounder/Cod
  66. CompTime Charters-- Thursday Report
  67. Down Deep - 9/2 6 am open boat fast & easy Porgy fishing
  68. FISHERMEN 9/2 Night Fishing Report
  69. Prowler 5 Saturday fluke and long range update
  70. High Wind Weakfish
  71. Late report Wednesday Hudson
  72. Your boat- To pull or not to pull?
  73. Hermine parking right over and off our canyons
  74. Tuna Smackdown* Yellowfin, Bigeye, Mahi, WM, BM* Jersey Nutz MRMTC
  75. FISHERMEN/Sundays report
  76. Fluke Fishing
  77. The best charter fluke boats out of Montauk?
  78. Hauling a boat before the storm?
  79. Monday 9/5 Bluefish Report
  80. Labor Day Fluke, on da JIG!!! 9/5
  81. Striper Season....
  82. Sea Tiger II 9/3 report and Sailing Tues 9/6
  83. New Addition to the Axel Carlson
  84. Party Boat Angle update
  85. Bad Influence - Nantucket Fluke - More personal bests!!!!
  86. FISHERMEN/Tuesdays Update
  87. fished the Canal today with mystery fish
  88. FISHERMEN / Night Fishing Update
  89. Prowler5 - Wed., Sept. 7th, Fluke Report
  90. Boca fishing help
  91. The Fluke are still here
  92. "As Good As It Gets" Limits of Yellowfin - And Then it Blew!
  93. Canal Fishing
  94. Golden Eagle - Still Some Openings for the Sept 11 Tuna Trip
  95. FISHERMEN 9/7 Night Fishing Report
  96. PUOSU Timing
  97. Montauk Charters Running Open Boat ???
  98. Prowler5 - Thurs., Sept. 8th
  99. Golden Eagle - Fishing Report
  100. Ocean Explorer
  101. Big Mohawk
  102. Party Boat Angler Thursday report
  103. Down Deep Bull - 9/8 6 am open boat Jumbo Ocean Fluke are still here . . . . .
  104. Pre Storm Tuna trip
  105. snapper blues
  106. FISHERMEN 9/8 Night Fishing Report
  107. Crabbing Question
  108. Jersey Coast Shark Anglers - 2016 Fall Striper Marathon!
  109. Golden Eagle - DECENT FISHING FOR BLUES
  110. Ocean Explorer
  111. Prowler5 - Fri., Sept. 9th, Fluke Report - Day Trip and 3:30 Twilight Trip
  112. The big chops have arrived
  113. Big Mohawk
  114. Down Deep - 9/9 6 am Porkchop pounding
  115. Party Boat Angler Friday Fluke report
  116. Down Deep Bull - 9/9 6am open boat impressive Fluke fishing
  117. Fisher Price IV 9/9 Tuna
  118. Albies
  119. Big Jamaica - The Big Blues Are Back!
  120. Big Jamaica Canyon Tuna Report
  121. Prowler5 - Sat., Sept. 10th, Beautiful Day - Fluke Report
  122. FISHERMEN 9/9 Night Fishing Report
  123. Friday Fluking Sandy Hook
  124. Joey Tomatos Fishing Charters
  125. Nothing much in the canal today
  126. Surf Time
  127. Fluke fishing is NOT over yet
  128. Golden Eagle - BIG BLUES & ALBACORE
  129. Big Mohawk
  130. No Bite
  131. mad gaffer bottom fishing trip Saturday 9/10
  132. Miss Belmar - Blues, fluke & mackerel
  133. Golden Touch 9/10
  134. They're getting BIGGER
  135. Party boat angler saturday report
  136. Ocean Explorer
  137. Reel Class Saturday 9/10 Porgies & Triggers - As Good as It Gets!
  138. Trolling the Mud Buoy?
  139. Down Deep Bull - 9/10 6 am Fluke
  140. BOUNTY HUNTER-Mixed Bag With The Carl Nelson Charter, 9/10
  141. Down Deep - 9/10 6 am open boat Porgyfest & Trigger slam
  142. FISHERMEN 9/10 Night Fishing Report
  143. Never forget-
  144. Flukin !!
  145. Tenacious Canyon Report-White Marlin. Wahoo, Mahi-9/9-10
  146. how i mounted a sword fish bill
  147. Golden Eagle - BIG BLUES TO 18 LBS. & ALBACORE
  148. mad gaffer bottom fishing trip Sunday 9/11
  149. Party boat angler Sunday Report
  150. Ocean Explorer
  151. Rock bottom weekend report
  152. Lady m charters / open boat tough fluking
  153. FISHERMEN/Weekend Report....
  154. Big Jamaica Weekend Report
  155. Evening Tide Charters
  156. Porgy's ??
  157. Any ling after storm
  158. False Albacore Party Boat Lure
  159. off shore sat & sun
  160. Lil help
  161. Big Mohawk
  162. Miss Belmar - JUMBO BLUES & ALBACORE!
  163. Mad gab for Mon.9/12 bottom fishing report
  164. Monday Surf
  165. Paramount Marathon Ling Fishing
  166. Party Boat Angler New BIG POOL leader
  167. Sandy Hook Bay Flukin
  168. Gambler tuna
  169. Big Jamaica - Monday Canyon Tuna Report
  170. Ocean Explorer
  171. FISHERMEN 9/12 Night Fishing Report
  172. Prowler5 - Tues., Sept. 13th - Fluke Report - Good Bounce Back
  173. Lost / Found keys SH
  174. There must be a lot of dissapointed woman in NJ
  175. Big Mohawk
  176. Golden Eagle - BIG BLUES & ALBACORE
  177. Albacore v false albacore
  178. Party Boat Angler Tuesday Report
  179. Ocean Explorer Tuesday
  180. Miss Belmar - MONSTER BLUES & ALBIES!
  181. Fisher Price IV Tuna 9/13
  182. FISHERMEN 9/13 Night Fishing Report
  183. Tuna this Friday night
  184. Tuesday on Da Monger
  185. Sandy Hook Today
  186. Golden Eagle - BLUES FISHING REPORT
  187. mad gaffer bottom fishing report Wednesday 9/14
  188. Miss Belmar - BLUES & ALBIES
  189. CompTime Charters--FLUKE LIMIT TODAY.
  190. 9/13 party boat tuna report
  191. Down Deep - 9/14 6 am Porgy and Triggerfest
  192. Party Boat Angler OH SO Close
  193. GAMBLER-- Fluke Report
  194. Jenny lee overnighter sept 13/14
  195. FISHERMEN 9/14 Night Fishing Report/ Excellent Porgy Fishing
  196. Porgies with the Grandson
  197. Party Boat Angler Nice day fluking
  198. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tagged Fish.. Bottom Fishing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  199. Wind Forecast Site
  200. FISHERMEN 9/15 Night Fishing Report
  201. Navesink fluke
  202. Porgy Help
  204. Fisher Price IV 9/16 Porgy Slam
  205. Golden Eagle - BLUES Fishing Report
  206. Down Deep Bull - 9/16 6 am open boat all quality Fluke to 6 lbs.
  207. Big Jamaica 9/13-9/16 Tuna Reports
  208. Party Boat Angler Fluke Report
  209. Big Mohawk
  210. Sandy Hook Surf Report
  211. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cod, Ling, Flounder & Porgies. . Friday. Tagged Fish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  212. Prowler 5- Sat., Sept. 17 Nice Start to the Fluke Day
  213. A good omen
  214. FISHERMEN 9/16 Night Fishing Report
  215. Ocean Explorer Friday
  216. Mad gaffer 9/17 bottom fish report
  217. Done...
  218. Back of Keyport Harbor Fluking - WOW
  219. Big Mohawk
  220. Golden Eagle - BIG BLUES FISHING REPORT
  221. Ocean Explorer Saturday
  222. Party Boat Angler Saturday report
  223. Porgy...Triggers ...Blues!
  224. Down Deep Bull - 9/17 6 am open boat Fluke
  225. Down Deep - 9/17 6 am Porgytime
  226. I couldn't wait.
  227. 9/17/16 - LBI - Day 1
  228. Canal Tide Question
  229. Bad influence stellar cod fishing!
  230. I'm back!
  231. BOUNTY HUNTER-Jumbo Blues & Macks, With The Greg Zan Nest Charter, 9/17
  232. Where to get green crabs for a reasonable price Belmar/Manasquan
  233. Saturday Fluking
  234. Ocean Explorer Sunday
  235. Golden Eagle - ALBACORE & BIG BLUES
  236. Party Boat Angler Sunday Report NOT SAILING MONDAY
  237. Down Deep - 9/18 6 am Porgyfest
  238. FISHERMEN/Fishing Report & Update....Sunday.
  239. CompTime Charters--Sunday Fluke Report
  240. Fisher Price IV 9/18 Mixed Bag
  241. Megan Beth weekend recap
  242. 9/18/16 - LBI - Day 2 - Limits!
  243. Paramount Sunday
  244. Hallie Loren Hudson Canyon overnighter 9-17
  245. Tin Knocker 9-19-16 Report
  246. Mushin Canyon Overnighter 9/17-18
  247. fri- sat and sat- sun tuna trips.
  248. Down Deep Bull - 9/18 6 am open boat Jumbo local Fluke to 7 lbs. . . . .
  249. Big Jamaica Weekend Canyon Reports