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  1. Tarpon Springs FLA
  2. Sea Bass are plentiful.
  3. GAMBLER --Half Day Fluke and Night Stripers
  4. Big Jamaica 6-7 Report
  5. Good boats for company outings?
  6. FISHERMEN 6/7 Night Striped Bass
  7. Jamaican Princess Tue June 7 PM Bass Report
  8. Prowler 5 -- Wed. June 8 Big Fluke, Limits Again
  9. Manasquan Inlet
  10. Miss Belmar - Wednesday blues & stripers
  11. FISH STIX - 6/8 Stripers to 42lbs
  12. Big Mohawk
  13. Fisher Price IV 6/8 Stripers to 42 lbs
  14. Golden Eagle - Wednesday - FISHING REPORT
  15. Party Boat Angler Wednesday report
  16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday...Seabass.... Tagged Fish ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. Thresher
  18. sandy hook
  19. Big Mohawk
  20. FISHERMEN/Thursdays fishing Report...
  21. Good Luck all Mako Maniacs
  22. Mad gaffer 6/9 striped bass / sea bass report
  23. Big Jamaica 6-9 Report
  24. Tomorrows forecast.. is it worth it????
  25. C and r togs,urge you to read post
  26. Party Boat Angler Windy Thursday
  27. Megan Beth Windy day.. 6-09-16
  28. 47" on the surf
  29. To fish or not to fish
  30. FISHERMEN 6/9 Night Striped Bass
  31. Mako Maniacs...
  32. BOUNTY HUNTER-Good Bassin Despite The Wind, 6/9
  33. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ seabass . Thursday. . Tagged fish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  34. Tough weather bassing for the Ohio Boys
  35. AH area Bunker
  36. who is sea bassing tomorrow
  37. Some Nice Bass Weighed in yesterday
  38. Big Jamaica - 6-10 Report + Space available today
  39. Miss Belmar - Friday jumbo blues and stripers
  40. Mad gaffer sea bass report 6/10
  41. Prowler 5 - Thurs. and Fri., June 9th and 10th Report - Windy
  42. RFA-NJ Fluke trip with Shrimpman Sendoff
  43. Down Deep - 6/10 Bangin Big Biscuits
  44. FISHERMEN...Fridays all day Fluke Bite Report!
  45. Golden Eagle - Stripers & Big Blues
  46. Captain Cal Belmar Fluke 9 lb. 2 oz
  47. Big Mohawk
  48. Capt. Cal Belmar Stripers- Thursday's trip
  49. Sandy Hook
  50. Ocean Explorer Sea Bass
  51. Paramount Friday 6/10
  52. Roosters Flukin 6-10-16
  53. Party Boat Angler Friday Charter
  54. Mako mania postponed
  55. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seabass.. Friday.. Tagged Fish. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  56. Prowler5 - Fri., June 10th, 3:30 Fluke Trip - 6-1/2 lber
  57. Comptime charters-- stripers/fluke
  58. Spearfish 6/10 evening fluke
  59. Reel Class 6/10 PM Bass - Limit of overs to 43#
  60. BOUNTY HUNTER-Seabass Limit+ With The Matt MacSherry Charter,6/10
  61. Prowler5 - Sat., June 11th Fantastic Fluking - Limits
  62. FISH STIX - 6/9 6/10 Very Good Stripers!!
  63. Big Jamaica - 6-10 Night Report
  64. Down Deep - 6/10 Super Seabass
  65. Sandy Hook Bay Flukin
  66. Andreas Toy Striper Livelining with Pepe and the crew
  67. Stinker 6/11/16 striper report
  68. FISHERMEN/Excellent Saturday Fishing....
  69. Spearfish 6/11 am fluke
  70. Down Deep - 6/11 Excellent Seabassin continues . . . . . .
  71. papa's angels 6/11 report a nice fluke trip
  72. Big Mohawk
  74. Afternoon Fluking on the Obssesion
  75. shrewsbury rocks buoy
  76. Rock bottom Saturday seabass
  77. Barb Gail IV - Monster Flounder
  78. Party Boat Angler New big fluke leader and limits Galore
  79. Cape Cod Sea Bass Jigging at its Finest!!!
  80. Captain Cal Belmar Decent Fluke Day
  81. Fishing around the Hook today
  82. Great ending to a memorable week
  83. Russian Roulette Saturday
  84. Keyport Seahawk - Big Knuckle Head!
  85. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday. . Seabass. .TAGGED FISH. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  86. BOUNTY HUNTER-We got 1 for the Dave Fleming Charter, 6/11
  87. Down Deep Bull - 6/11 Excellent Seabass & . . . . .
  88. Mushin 293 lb mako 6/16
  89. Fisher Price IV 6/10 & 6/11 Striper Reports
  90. Prowler5 - Sun., June 12th, Fluke Report
  91. FISHERMEN 6/12 Night Fishing Update
  92. Golden Eagle - Sunday - FISHING REPORT
  93. FISHERMEN/Sundays Fishing Report.....
  94. Lady m charters super sea bass fishing
  95. Reel Class Sunday 6/12 Bass to 30#
  96. COMPTIME CHARTERS-- Fluke/Bass trip
  97. Party Boat Angler Good fluking continues
  98. I went to the desert and it rained
  99. Reel Class Saturday 6/11 Bassin' Donut + Fluke
  100. Celtic Stoirm - Friday Report
  101. Celtic Stoirm - Sunday Report
  102. Reel Action 6/11 Report
  103. Sunday Raritan Bay in the WIND
  104. good weekend for jigging sea bass
  105. Tin Knocker Report 6/11/16
  106. Seabass Charter Report w/DownDeep! (6/10)
  107. Fish Monger II Big Stripers on Live bait and poppers!!!
  108. Big Mohawk
  109. Sunday Bass on the Jersey Nutz
  110. 2016 spring bass video
  111. Mad gaffer bottom fishing Monday 6/13
  112. Golden Eagle - Monday - FISHING REPORT
  113. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday Seabass limits. Ling, Flounder & Tog . Tagged Fish ~~~~~~~~~~
  114. Captain Cal Belmar Fluke/Stripers
  115. Paramount Monday 6/13
  116. Party boat Angler more big fluke and limits
  117. Fisher Price IV 6/13 Stripers
  118. The bass have no chance
  119. FRTC Shark Hunter Calcuttas
  120. FISH STIX - 6/11-6/13 As good as it gets!!!!!
  121. Prowler5 - Tues., June 14th, Good Fluking Continues - No Wind
  122. Miss Belmar - TUESDAY JUMBO BLUES!
  123. Canyon Runner Tournament Win - 367# Mako - Plenty of Yellowfin
  125. Big Jamaica 6-14 Report
  126. Golden Eagle - Tuesday - BIG BLUES 6 TO 12 LBS.
  127. Good Hands Reach Fishing!!!
  128. Down Deep - 6/14 Super Seabass & other bottom dwellers . . . . .
  129. FISHERMEN/ Excellent Fluke Fishing Today! Big Fish & Several Limits
  130. Captain Cal Belmar Fluke
  131. Ocean Explorer
  132. Party Boat Angler BIG Fluke and Limits Galore
  133. Surf Fishing Today
  134. Right Plan?
  135. Big Mohawk
  136. Fisher Price IV 6/14 AM/ Epic PM Stripers to 40 lbs!!!
  137. BOUNTY HUNTER-Seabass Limit For The Todd Sontagh Charter, 6/14
  138. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Seabass & Ling ..Tuesday. ... TAGGED FISH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  139. 2016 Striped bass bonus program (SBBP) apps now available
  140. Prowler5 - Wed., June 15, Great Fluking - Limits, Limits, Limits
  141. Tuesday june 14th, the elusive striped bass...
  142. Codfishing/Sea Bass on the Last Lady
  143. Golden Eagle - TUESDAY'S STRIPER REPORT
  144. Golden Eagle - Wednesday Early Fishing Report
  145. whos fishing the Woodbridge Fluke Tourney this Saturday?
  146. sea bass jigging saturday
  147. Ocean Explorer
  148. Mad Gaffer sea bass and bottom fish trip 6/15
  150. FISHERMEN/ NEW BIG POOL LEADER! Very Good Fishing once again, Big Fluke!
  151. Captain Cal Fluke
  152. Big Mohawk
  153. Bay fluke beatdown 6-15
  154. Down Deep Bull - 6/15 Fluke to 8+ lbs.
  155. GAMBLER --Half Day Fluke and Night Stripers
  156. Down Deep - 6/15 Super Seabass & Ling
  157. Party Boat Angler limits Galore, big fluke vand Quickest limit this year
  158. Roosters Flukin 6-15-16
  159. 463 Pound Mako Tops the Week – Real Time Report - 50+ Yellowfin to the Boat Right Now
  160. Reel Class PM Bass to 46#!
  161. Fisher Price IV 6/15 Stripers
  162. is there a limit
  163. Rock Bottom WED Tuna Fishing
  164. Monger Nation. 6-15-16
  165. BOUNTY HUNTER-Open Boat, Good Bass Fishing, 6/15
  166. Andreas Toy first Open Boat Canyon Trip of the year
  167. dogfish/sandshark question
  168. virginia beach fishing
  169. Highlands/ Belmar Seabassing
  170. Megan Beth 6/15/16 report
  171. Prowler5 - Thurs., June 16, Great Fluking Continues
  172. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Seabass. . Thursday. .Tagged Fish ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  173. Miss Belmar - Thursday blues
  174. Big Mohawk
  175. FISHERMEN/More Big Fluke Thursday!!
  176. Fluke don't bite after 5pm
  177. Ocean Explorer
  178. Hudson Canyon Trip
  179. Party Boat Angler limits big fluke and a doormat
  180. Golden Eagle - GOOD DAY FISHING FOR BLUES
  181. More, more, more how do you like it . . . . .
  182. Jenny lee shark trip 6/16/16
  183. Captain Cal Belmar Fluke...
  184. Wednesday tuna tile report
  185. Good fluking so far this year
  186. Long Beach NY fishing
  187. Nice Fluke!!
  188. Fisher Price IV 4/16 Good AM / PM Mayhem Stripers
  189. Welcome Caveman Sportfishing
  190. Jersey Coast Shark Anglers - 38th Annual Mako "Catch It" Fever Tournament Postponed!
  191. BOUNTY HUNTER-Seabass With The Bob Spells Charter, 6/16
  192. Miss Belmar - Friday JUMBO BLUES!
  193. Golden Eagle - BLUES 6 to 12 lbs.
  194. Surf report for today
  195. Big Mohawk
  196. FISHERMEN/Another Awesome Day! Two, 9 plus pound fish, several limits!
  197. Fluking has been good
  198. FISH STIX - This week Stripers & Threshers Reports!!!
  199. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seabass Friday. ...TAGGED FISH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  200. Party boat Angler limits galore 2nd doormat in a row
  201. Big Jamaica 6-16 Reports
  202. Down Deep Bull - 6/17 mucho grande Seabass
  203. Lady m charters / open boat sea bass
  204. Prowler5 - Twilight Fluking 3:30-9:00 June 17th
  205. 6/17 Bass
  206. mad gaffer Sea bass & ling trip 6/17/2016
  207. Yesterday's Fluking on the Obsession
  208. I never post but...
  209. Andreas Toy Striper livelining and Poppers with Paul White and son
  210. It is now time for that great day troll bite on Yellowfins off South Jersey
  211. Down Deep - 6/17 Super Seabass, Ling & others . . . . .
  212. Great fluke fishing up at the North store
  213. Overnight Fipps Trip
  214. Atlantic bait and tackle chum
  215. Canyon Runner - 1 Trip - 70 Yellowfin, Blue/White Marlin, 5 Species of Sharks, Mahi
  216. Peanut bunker
  217. Parker Pete striped Bass reports 6/7-6/17
  218. Parker Petes biggest striped bass on the boat ever
  219. Prowler5 - Sat., June 18, Fluke Report
  220. papa's angels 6/18 report
  221. Party Boat Angler Saturday good fluking with lots of limits
  222. CompTime Charters 6/18
  223. Half day fluke tomorrow
  224. Big Mohawk
  225. Reel Class 6/18 Sharkin' - Good Trip!
  226. Captain Cal Belmar Striper
  227. Another trip to the promised land
  228. Lady m charters / open boat sea bass
  229. Fluke cannon's 6-18
  230. Fish Monger II Striper Loads of Ling Seabass Limits Smiling Faces n Real Fish Counts!
  231. Barnegat bay hows it been going?
  232. And the winner in Mako Mania Saturday was......
  233. BOUNTY HUNTER-Seabass Limit for the John McGrath Charter, 6/18
  234. jenny lee mako mania june 18
  235. Jamaican Princess Sat Wreck Fishing Report
  236. Down Deep - 6/18 am Super Seabass & other bottom dwellers . . . . .
  237. FISH STIX - 6/18 Bottom Fishing Seabass/Ling/Flounder
  238. Down Deep Bull - 6/18 am Striped Bass to 40 lbs.
  239. Down Deep - 6/18 pm Fluke
  240. Down Deep Bull - 6/18 pm Striped Bass to 37 lbs.
  241. Prowler5 - Sun., June 19th, Good Fluking
  242. Big Mohawk
  243. Big Jamaica - 6-19 Report
  244. Mad gaffer bottom fishing report 6/19
  245. papa's angels 6/19 report
  246. Party Boat Angler Fathers Day Flukinf
  247. Bad Influence Weekend Recap
  248. 2016 star island winning mako pic
  249. RockBottom Weekend Seabass limits
  250. Ebbtide 3 Weekly Report