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  1. Monger Nation has new recruits! July 5th recap
  2. Any shops selling spots
  3. Big Jamaica Bluefish Report
  4. Fintaztic *** Bucktail Fluke to 6lb plus 30lb Suprise
  5. SEA HORSE 7/5 Weekend Report
  6. 7/5 - MUSHIN Day Troll - 2 Marlin, Tuna, Mahi, & Tiles
  7. Fishermen sunday night 7-5 stripers and jumbo porgy
  8. Reel Class Sunday 7/5 Half-Day Bottom Smorgasbord
  9. 7/5 canyon trip big eye, mahi,marlin
  10. Prowler5 - Sun., July 5th, 3:30 to 9:00 Wreck Trip
  13. Dorothy B week in review
  14. Mission Complete, Seismic Survey…
  15. Jersey Nutz Fluke 7/3
  16. Where's Vinntastic ?
  17. Monger Independence Day report
  18. Mad gaffer July 6 bottom fish report
  19. Pm. Trip on the fisherman
  20. Golden Eagle - BLUES & BONITA
  21. FISHERMEN/Mondays Fishing report...7.4 pound Pool Fish.
  22. Party Boat Angler Monday fluking
  23. Friday July 3rd Bass, shark, and fluke report **VIDEO**
  24. Big mohawk
  25. Miss Belmar - VERY GOOD BLUE FISHING!
  26. Photos PROWER5 - Mon., July 6th Fluke Report
  27. Ocean Explorer Monday
  28. DOWN DEEP - 7/6 6am - 2pm OPEN BOAT FLUKE REPORT
  29. Back Bay Fluke Limit
  30. FinTazTic today's Fluke report
  31. Paramount Monday Marathon
  32. Forgot to mention Humpback Whale
  33. Fish Monger II Mon 7/6 Fluke Boat Limit ( 8 man ) to 9.5 lbs!!!
  34. Dorothy B Monday report
  35. First Fluke Limit Of The Season
  36. Sea horse 9lb fluke 7/6
  37. How is barnegate bay doing fluke wise
  38. Monday report 7/8
  39. Girls road trip to Cape Cod
  40. seahawk keyport - one nice fluke
  41. GAMBLER --1/2 Day and Night Fishing Reports
  42. FISH STIX - Sun/Mon Fluke Reports
  43. First MFM >>>>--------------->>
  44. Reel Class Monday 7/6 Slow Flukin
  45. Golden Eagle - A Good Day of BLUEFISHING
  46. Interesting flotation device
  47. Miss Belmar - Bull shark, blues, ling, cod and sea bass!
  48. FISHERMEN/Tuesdays Fishing report...
  49. Ocean Explorer Tuesday
  50. Big mohawk
  51. The Fluke were definitely in the mood for food today.
  52. Sea horse 7/7 fluke report
  53. Party Boat Angler Tuesday Report
  54. Fish Monger II Tues 7/7 Fluke
  55. July 5th Bass, New PB!
  56. New boat needs bloody deck
  57. Are any blues around Sandy Hook ?
  58. Fishermen/nite fishing mon & tues
  59. Good Fluking
  60. Sandy Hook Bay Anglers Fluke Tourney This weekend!!
  61. Want more fishing time ? Use this
  62. Prowler5 - Wed., July 8th, Fluke Report - Slow Day
  63. Good conditions = Good Flukin' // West is best !
  64. Miss Belmar - Wednesday blues
  65. Golden Eagle - Decent Catch of BLUES
  66. Ocean Explorer Wednesday
  67. Big Jamaica - Very Good Bluefishing
  68. FISHERMEN/Fluke and Stripers over 40 pounds!! Wednesdays Report.
  69. Fisher Price IV Fluke 7/8
  70. FISH STIX - 7/8 Kids Fluke!!!!
  71. Party Boat Angler Wednesday Fluking
  72. Fish Monger II Wed 7/8 Fluke to 7 lbs
  73. Mad gaffer p.m. charter fluke report
  74. Mako Mania update
  75. Fishing & Crabbing With My Boys
  76. Fishermen/wednesday night 7-8-15
  77. Big mohawk
  78. Marlboro FOP Lodge Fluke Tournament 8/15
  79. LBI Bluefish
  80. 7/8 Bottom fishing
  81. Wreck Fishing Bait?
  82. 26 Big-Eyes So Far - 5/5 On the Last Trip Slightly Close to Home Finally
  83. Kudos Mad Gaffer
  84. Miss Belmar - Blues, cod and pollock
  85. surf fishing in wildwood / diamond beach
  86. Thanks, Eyes on First Ave.
  87. Ocean Explorer Thursday
  88. FISHERMEN/Thursdays Fishing report....
  89. Party Boat Angler Thursday Report
  90. Fish Monger II Thurs 7/9 Great Ling Slinging !!!
  91. BOUNTY HUNTER - Fluke Report, 7/8
  93. Mad gaffer 7/9 fluke report
  94. Fisher Price IV 7/9 Fluke
  95. Prowler5 - Fri., July 10th, Fluke Report and 3:30 Trip Information
  96. Golden Eagle - Fishing Report
  97. Miss Belmar - Blues & Cod
  98. Party Boat Angler Friday fluke report
  99. Big mohawk
  100. Ocean Explorer Friday
  101. bones and snappas
  102. Prowler5 - Fri., July 10th 3:30 to 9:00 Trip, 7.2 Pound Beauty
  103. FISH STIX - Thurs/Fri Flukes!
  104. SEA HORSE 7/10 Fluke Report
  105. Fisher Price IV 7/10 Windy Fluke
  106. Fish Monger II Fri 7/10 Great Day Fluking!!!
  107. Another afternoon delight
  108. Reel Class Friday 7/10 Fluke Report
  109. papa's angels 7/10 fluke report
  110. One nice keeper
  111. Down Deep - 7/11 Late start, great finish bottom fishing
  112. Catch recommendations for 2016-18 to be set in July
  113. Sat 6/11...1 hour fluke report...
  114. Golden Eagle - Decent Catch of Blues
  115. any "small stuff" in the rivers/bay??
  116. Friday Fluking On The Golden Touch
  117. Hey Duffman - this HAT's for U !!
  118. Big Jamaica - Day & Night Blues
  119. mad gaffer fishing report July 11
  120. Sharkbite 7/11 Fishing
  121. Parker Pete fluke reports
  122. Tenacious Bottom Report 7/10
  123. Porgy - Anyone know a good spot to find them?
  124. Big mohawk
  125. Down Deep - 7/11 6am Fluke report
  126. Captain Cal Fluke
  127. Tri-fecta: Fluke, sea bass, and ling
  128. Down Deep Bull - 7/11 9am Fluke report
  129. Lady m charters / open boat fluke
  130. Party Boat Angler Saturday report
  131. Any good spots for saltwater fishing ( surf ) in NJ?
  132. Andreas Toy Canyon trip with the Ridley Family Charter
  133. Sandy Hook Bay Fluke Tournament
  134. SHBA fluke tourney day 1
  135. Reel Action fluke 7/11
  136. Oceanic Bridge
  137. Fisher Price IV 7/11 Fluke to 9.5 lbs
  138. BOUNTY HUNTER - Blues With The Mike Bartsch Charter, 7/11
  139. Any Makomania Results?
  140. You gotta be good....
  141. Big mohawk
  142. Golden Eagle - Fishing Report
  143. Captain Cal FLUKE
  144. Mad gaffer bottom fish report S UN.7/12
  145. FISHERMEN/Weekend Report and Schedule Update
  146. Footlong Scup
  147. Ocean Explorer Saturday,,,Sunday
  148. A tale of two drifts
  149. good day on buddy's boat
  150. SHBA FLUKE tourney day 2
  151. Reel Action Fluke 7/12 whale and dolphin watching
  152. Party Boat Angler Sunday report
  153. July10-11 overnighter
  154. Fish Monger II Sat 7/11 Fluke Shba Tourney day 1
  155. Fish Monger Sun 7/12 Fluke Shba Tourney Day 2 Boat limit+
  156. Reel Class Sunday 7/12 Fluke
  157. any action in shark river
  158. Big mohawk
  159. Lady m charters / open boat
  160. Thought I could get another afternoon delight
  161. Mushin 7/12 Open Boat Canyon - Longfin, Yellowfin, Mahi
  162. Fluke and bass to 39 lb
  163. Bass Kicker Pictures
  164. Dorothy B week in review/Marathon trip July 30th
  165. Dangerous Weekend Warrior Boating
  166. Shba fluke tournament
  167. Celtic Stoirm Saturday report 7/11
  168. Mako Mania report Jersey Nutz
  169. 2015 SHBA Standings
  170. Seahawk keyport - weekend fluke window
  171. Down Deep Fleet - 7/12 Weekend wrap-up
  172. BOUNTY HUNTER - Open Boat Fluke Report, 7/12
  173. Fishermen/Weekend Night report
  174. Prowler5 - Weekend and Wreck Trip Reports
  175. Golden Eagle - Fishing Report
  176. Ocean Explorer Monday
  177. Miss Belmar - 7 lb FLUKE, cod, ling, sea bass and blues
  178. FISHERMEN/Fluke, Sea Bass and Porgies Today!Mondays fishing report.
  179. good weekend flukin
  180. Big mohawk
  181. SEA HORSE 7/12 Weekend Report
  182. On The Water Fluke Seminars - With Parker Pete - THIS SATURDAY!!!
  183. Reel Class Monday 7/13 Ling & Cod
  184. Party Boat Angler Monday nice fluke
  185. Paramount Moday Marathon
  186. Captain Cal Fluke
  187. Long over due.....
  188. Fish Monger II Mon 7/13 Some Big Fluke to 9 lbs
  189. Blackfish in July
  190. Smooth Dogfish
  191. JCAA Fluke Tournament - 25K Prize!
  192. jenny lee big blue marlin 7/12/15
  193. Big Jamaica Monday Report
  194. FISH STIX - Sat thru Mon Reports
  195. FinTazTic --fluke report---FinTazTic
  196. MAFMC staff find bluefish plentiful
  197. Custom Dogfish Rigs
  198. Canyon Trip on Russian Roulette
  199. Tuna Jigs
  200. Golden Eagle - Fishing Report
  201. FISHERMEN/Tuesdays Fishing Report....
  202. mad gaffer bottom Fishing report 7/14
  203. Fluke Quota Reductions?
  204. Party Boat Angler nice fluke photos
  205. Party Boat Angler Tuesday report
  206. Ocean Explorer Tuesday
  207. SEA HORSE 7/4 Fluke Report
  208. Captain Cal FLUKE
  209. Down Deep - 7/14 5am Marathon Open Boat Ling / Cod etc...
  210. Fish Monger II Tues 7/14 Great Bottom fishing Ling Seabass Fluke
  211. Hi-Mar Striper Club June and July Charitable Trips on The Seahorse
  212. Amendments proposed to Atlantic fishery plans
  213. Fluke regs
  214. Prowler5 - Wed., July 15th Update
  215. Bluefish?
  216. Jersey Nutz welcomes Capt. Cody
  217. FinTazTic Fluke and Striped Bass FinTazTic
  218. Tips for Jetty Fishing Near Cape May Point
  219. Down Deep Bull - 7/15 6 am Fluke trip !!!
  220. mad gaffer bottom fishing report 7/15
  221. Any Shark River Crabbing Reports?
  222. Party Boat Angler big fluke today
  223. how long. cant u keep whole clams on ice ??
  224. Capt. Ron/Fluke Quota Reduction!!
  225. Fishing Barnegat Bay
  226. Big mohawk
  227. Stone Harbor / Avalon ?
  228. Why keep small ones?
  229. Golden Eagle - Fishing Report
  230. Gambler night wreck trip - sailing? thoughts?
  231. FISHERMEN/Thursdays Fluke Fishing Report
  232. Female-Male Fluke
  233. Mad gaffer 7/16 bottom fishing report
  234. Breaking News! Developing Story!
  235. Bluefin report wanted
  236. Sandy Hook Channel 7/16
  237. Party Boat Angler Thursday fluke report
  238. Sharks or dolphins?
  239. Fluke - Week Recap
  240. SEA HORSE 7/16 Big Fluke Report
  241. Bass up to 42 lb!! Pics
  242. Fishermen/thursday nite 7-16-15
  243. Live from montauk
  244. Weakfishing This Summer?
  245. spear fishing locations
  246. Golden Eagle - Fishing Report
  247. Big Jamaica Friday Report - Night Blues Tonight
  248. Reel Class Friday 7/17 Fluke "Report"
  249. Miss Belmar - Blues and mackerel
  250. Lbi reports?