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  1. Big Jamaica Report
  2. Prowler 5 - sat. 5/16 p.m. Report
  3. Hi-Mar Spring Tournament results
  4. BOUNTY HUNTER - Bass & Blues With The Cameroni Charter, 5/16
  5. New limits set for bluefin fishing
  6. Just could not find 'em
  7. Reel Action - 5/16/15 Blues, no bass
  8. Shark Challenge 2015 - Are You Man Enough? UPDATE
  9. Golden Eagle - Decent Catch of Fish up to 15 lbs.
  10. FinTazTic--Pa. Party lots of Blues but couldn't find the bass
  11. FISHERMEN/Weekend Fishing Report...Sunday.
  12. OCean Explorer Sunday
  13. Dorothy B Sunday report
  14. Jersey Hooker Bass to #35
  15. Fishinanalyst Sunday blues raritan bay
  16. Big mohawk
  17. Opening Day Fluke - NY
  18. Megan Beth 5-16-15 report
  19. +Party Boat Angler Sunday Ling Report
  20. Hallie Loren Hi-Mar Tournament 5-16-15
  21. Hallie Loren Raritan Bay 5-17-15
  22. Saturday's Fish with Me Fluke Trip
  23. Tuna-Tic report 5/17
  24. Raritan bay blues 5/17 off keansburg
  25. mad gaffer bass And bluefish report
  26. CockRobin.com- Sunday- Weekend Recap
  27. Bassing Sunday the 17th of May
  28. DOWN DEEP - Sun am trip Bluefish
  29. FinTazTic ***Weekend Report*** FinTazTic
  30. Regulation question for Fluke
  31. Raritan bay bluefish frenzy
  32. papa's angels 5/17 report
  33. Fish Monger 5-17 with Captain Jerry
  34. Florida fishing with Carlos Bastos
  35. summer bucktailing
  36. FISH STIX - 5/17 Report
  37. 5/17 afternoon bass
  38. Team CharterFox.com places 2nd in Spring HI-MAR
  39. Canyon Runner Canyon Season Gets Going - After a Ton of Work!
  40. Parker Pete's Weekend Report Bass and blues 5/16-5/17
  41. Opening day fluke
  42. Mushin - 5/17 - Blues, Blues, More Blues
  43. BOUNTY HUNTER - Bass & Blues With The Chris Grogan Charter, 5/17
  44. Andreas Toy Striper trip with Adam Conley-Boat move to Point
  45. Fisher Price IV 5/18 Bass/Bluefish
  46. Fish Monger II Blues and Bottomfishing
  47. FISH TANK - Weekend Bass/Blues Report
  48. It's almost time for Flukasaraus
  49. FISHERMEN/Mondays Fishing Report.
  50. Huge mako
  51. Prowler 5 - Excellent 3:30 to 9:00 trip Sun., May 17th
  52. Reel Class Sunday 5/17 Report
  53. Fluke season
  54. NJ Monster Fish!
  55. Fishing, Hunting and Charity Weekend -Friends and Family! An amazing WEEKEND!!
  56. 5/18 Sea Horse
  57. 820-pound mako weighed in
  58. First fluke from surf...ever
  59. Plan calls for cutting reporting burdens on boat owners
  60. FinTazTic*** Tuesday Early Repot***FinTazTic
  61. ~~~~~~~~~~ pictures , bass & blues ... Tagged fish ~~~~~~~~~~
  62. Interested in fishing the WMO or MA500?
  63. DOWN DEEP - 5/18 am Open Boat STRIPERS
  64. Golden Eagle - Fish up to 12 lbs.
  65. BOUNTY HUNTER - Short Trip With Don Beshada, 5/19
  66. FISHERMEN/Tuesdays fishing Report....NO RAIN!!!
  67. Nice start
  68. mad gaffer bass and blues 5/19
  69. 5/19 daytroll report
  70. 2 day tilefish trip
  71. CockRobin.com- Tuesday
  72. Fisher Price IV 5/19 Bass/Blues
  73. Jersey Hooker 5/19 pm trip
  74. Prowler5 - Wed, May 20th, Bass and Blue Report
  75. BOX Jellfish ?????
  76. House to vote on fishery management reform
  77. Late weekend report from the Roman' Round
  78. Golden Eagle - BLUES report
  79. Manasquan Inlet
  80. Dorothy B Wed. 5/20 report
  81. Lost Rod and Reel
  82. tuna frenzy
  83. Andreas Toy Striper limit with Dan Bombaci
  84. FISHERMEN/Wednesdays Fishing Report...
  85. Fisher Price IV 5/20 Better Bassing
  86. mad gaffer bass and blue fish report 5/20
  87. BOUNTY HUNTER - Bass to 35 lbs. For The Frank Derrico Charter, 5/20
  88. Party Boat Angler Wednesday Ling Report
  89. Fish Monger II Wed 5/20 Stripers to 38lbs
  90. Striper Report
  91. Good Luck to all on opening day
  92. Lbi fishing help
  93. Water temp. for fluke
  94. Looking for Friday 5/22 Striper Trip
  95. Wednesday over under limit to 49"
  96. FinTazTic 05/20 afternoon report Finding the Bass
  97. Saltwater Recreational Registry Program
  98. Navigational Hazard unmarked Shark River Inlet
  99. Golden Eagle - STRIPERS to 35 lbs.
  100. Dorothy B 5/21 report/GRAB YOUR GULP!
  101. **Video Corradino charter puts a hurting on the bluefish
  102. Miss Belmar - stripers & blues today!
  103. mad gaffer Stripe bass and blue fish report
  104. 2015 Summer Flounder and Black Sea Bass Recreational Regulations
  105. Party Boat Angler Good By Ling Hell-o FLUKE
  106. Andreas Toy Striper charter with the Ron Bartl charter
  107. BOUNTY HUNTER - Bass With Don Beshada Charter, 5/21
  108. DOWN DEEP - 5/21 OPEN BOAT Striper & Blues
  109. Captain Evan and Captain Deane evening Striper trip on the Canyon Runner
  110. Good day togging
  111. Stolen gear
  112. Roman Round / 5/21 Twilight
  113. Jersey Hooker Charters Pm Striped Bass Crew Trip 5/21/15
  114. What's wrong with people
  115. FinTazTic--- Friday early report--Bass & Blues---FinTazTic
  116. ~~~~~~~~~~ good bottom fishing pictures.. tagged fish ~~~~~~~~~~
  117. NOAA testing new fish count efforts
  118. Fish Monger II Fri 5/22 over / under Striper Limit to 42 lbs / c&r Seabass
  119. Prowler 5 - May 22, FIRST FLUKE TRIP OF THE SEASON
  120. Fluke Opener: Shark River = Short River
  121. Golden Eagle - Very Good Day with BLUES and STRIPERS
  122. Miss Belmar - Great day of striper and blue fishing!
  123. Cape May in mid June - suggestions
  124. Big Jamaica - Blues & Bass to 42LBS
  125. BOUNTY HUNTER - Bass To 40 Lbs. For The Keith Taboada Charter, 05/22
  126. Ocean Explorer Saturday
  127. Captain cal ii fluke report
  128. Mad Gaffer bass and bluefish report5/22
  129. FISHERMEN/Fridays Report.
  130. Sea Horse 5/22 Fluke Report.
  131. Dorothy B Opening Day report
  132. CockRobin.com- Friday- BASS TO 49lbs
  133. Fisher Price IV 5/22 Good Bassing
  134. Do party boats allow braid for striped bass?
  135. Striper Report 5-22
  136. Party Boat angler fluke opener
  137. Fish Monger II Fri 5/22 Pm Stripers
  138. FinTazTic Stripers, Blues and even Fluke
  139. afternoon stripers on Prowler V
  140. Opening Day Fluke
  141. Tilefish fishery management to change
  142. Big mohawk
  143. Non stop striper chunk
  144. Friday night bassing!!
  145. Golden Eagle - STRIPERS to 40 lbs.
  146. Party Boat Angler Fluke day 2
  147. Lady m charters / open boat
  148. Garone Rods Memorial Day Weekend Kickoff Bunker Chunking 5/22
  149. mad gaffer move the boat back to S.river fish report
  150. Manasquan Inlet Report
  151. Big Mohawk good fluking 5-23
  152. BOUNTY HUNTER - Open Boat, Slow Bass Day, 05/23
  153. Miss Montauk Full Day Fishing!
  154. Jersey Hooker PM Stripers 5/23/15
  155. FinTazTic Saturday Afternoon Trip Report
  156. Lost pole
  157. Obsessions first fluke trip of the season
  158. Fisher Price IV 5/23 Tough Bassing
  159. There are some big fish around
  160. How many boats damaged before the river is dredged?
  161. Sea Horse 5/23 Fluke Report
  162. Reel Class Saturday 5/23 Fluke & Bass
  163. Sharkbite Saturday fishing
  164. Prowler 5 - Sat., May 23rd, Fluke Report
  165. MAFMC meets in June to plot strategies
  166. Golden Eagle - Great NIGHT BLUEFISHING
  167. Golden Eagle - A great BLUEFISHING day
  168. saturday fluke in Raritan bay
  169. mad gaffer striped bass report or not
  170. DOWN DEEP - Fri. / Sat. am / Sat. pm
  171. FinTazTic. No Bass Morning. Big Fluke Afternoon
  172. Bait
  173. Party Boat Angler Fluke day 3 Sunday
  174. Manasquan Inlet Report
  175. papa's angels 5/23 report
  176. papa's angels 5/24 report 1 nice bass
  177. Ocean Explorer Sunday
  178. Roosters Flukin 5-24-15
  180. Lady m charters / open boat bass & fluke
  181. May 23rd Striped bass report -Johnny Bucktails
  182. 5/24/2015 jersey hooker bass
  183. Big fluke to Welcome the season.
  184. Some big fish around today too.
  185. 5/24 raritan bay
  186. 5/24 - Mushin Stripers Snag & Drop
  187. Reel Class Sunday 5/24 -- Bass to 38#
  188. Big Jamaica Report - Big Blues Sunday
  189. BOUNTY HUNTER - Big Bass For The Dave Dry Charter, 05/24
  190. Tile & Tuna on Russian Roulette ,beat down continues !!!!
  191. Sea Horse 5/24 Fluke Report
  192. Big mohawk
  193. Happy Memorial Day
  194. FinTazTic says Thank you do all that have served.
  195. Prowler 5 - Memorial Day, Fluke Report
  196. FinTazTic me and my wife Fluke for dinner tonight
  197. Fisher Price IV 5/24 slow Bassing
  198. Fisher Price IV 5/25 Good Bass Fishing
  199. Golden Eagle - A very good day catching the BLUES
  200. Bass to 40lbs, Jersey Nutz Weekend report
  201. ~~~~~~~~~~~ LING & COD pictures.... TAGGED FISH.~~~~~~~~~~~
  202. FISHERMEN/Finally Some Fish in the Ocean! Mondays Report.
  203. Atlantic Star 5-25 14lbs Fluke
  204. Azores Bigeyes
  205. Party Boat Angler Memorial Day Fluke
  206. Sea Horse 5/25 Fluke Report.
  207. Weekend Recap - Blues, Fluke & Lobsters
  208. Fluke Fishing - Does Boat Traffic Matter?
  209. Baitfish ID
  210. Keyport Seahawk - Magic Carpet Ride
  211. Dorothy B Memorial Day weekend report
  212. Labor day weekend
  213. Golden Eagle - Well worth the search
  214. FISH TANK - Fri and Sun Report
  215. Miss Belmar - Holiday weekend wrap up
  216. Miss Belmar - FAMILY FUN DAY 1/2 day Sunday report
  217. FISHERMEN/Tuesdays Fishing Report...
  218. Sea Horse 5/26 Fluke Report.
  219. looking to mate a Belmar or Point Pl boat
  220. Party Boat Angler Tuesday Fluke
  221. Raritan Bay
  222. Prowler5 - Tues., May 26th, Fluke Report
  223. canyon trip info needed
  224. Live lining
  225. Fisher Price IV 5/26 Very Good AM & PM Bass Fishing
  227. Jersey Hooker Charters Fishing Report 5/26/2015
  228. FISH STIX - 8 Days of Reports, Stripers to 38lbs
  229. Big Mohawk great sea bass and cod 5-27
  230. Seabass advice
  231. FISHERMEN/Very good action again today..Weds.Report
  232. Ocean Explorer Wednesday
  233. Party boat Angler Wednesday Fluke
  234. IBSP Fluke Regs and Sea Bass Regs
  235. 500 plus pound Grouper caught by Kyaker
  236. New guy
  237. Save Shark River meeting
  238. Lady m charters sea bass
  239. FISHERMEN/Thursdays Fishing Report..Very good Bite.
  240. Golden Eagle - A good day of BLUEFISHING
  241. Miss Belmar - Really good blue fishing today!
  242. Fisher Price IV 5/27 & 5/28 Bass reports
  243. Mad gaffer May 28 sea bass report
  244. Welcome Rightaway III - Tommy Joseph
  245. Big mohawk
  246. Ocean Explorer Thursday
  247. Party Boat Angler Good fluking today
  248. Roosters Flukin 5-28-15
  249. Commercial fishing boat in Hudson river?
  250. Big Jamaica - Good Blues Today - Night Blues Saturday