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  1. papa's angels 5/2 report another good bass trip
  2. Party Boat Angler ling report
  3. Good Day Trolling the bay
  4. Nice Striper Raritan Bay 5/2
  5. Raritan Bay
  6. Fisher Price IV 5/2 AM Striper Limits/ PM Stripers
  7. Down Deep -5/2 p.m. Striped Bass report !!!!!
  8. Down Deep - 5/3 a.m. STRIPER REPORT ! ! ! ! !
  9. Lady m charters / open boat super bass fishing
  10. 5/3 bass
  11. Prowler5 - sunday, may 3rd
  12. Big mohawk
  13. Miss Belmar - Another excellent day of blue fishing
  14. Squan Inlet
  15. Andreas Toy Striper-Blues with Maureen Hope Charter
  16. Ocean Explorer Sunday
  17. Dorothy B Sunday report
  18. Golden eagle - very good fishing for blues
  19. Party Boat Angler Sunday report and schedule update
  20. GAMBLER Report Sunday 5/3
  21. Bounty Hunter - Striped Bass Report - 5/2
  22. Raritan Bay Stripers May 3
  23. Reel Class Sunday 5/3 Bass & Bluefish
  24. Bluefish help
  25. Fisher Price IV 5/3 Good AM Stripers/ PM Big Striper Limits to 35 lbs
  26. Mushin 5/3 - Bluefish Bus
  27. 05/03 Bass and Blues good fishing all over
  28. Down Deep - 5/3 p.m. STRIPED BASS REPORT. . . . . . .
  29. Rb 5/3
  30. 60 more days to comment on fate of thresher
  31. Sunday....
  32. HELP Blues in Raridan Bay? Shallow?
  33. keyport seahawk decent striper weekend
  34. My Sons 1st Striped Bass!
  35. Some more Bass (and just a few blues) 5/3
  36. Miss Belmar - Monday report
  37. Striper Regulations are in - just got an email
  38. Dorothy B Monday better bassin today
  39. Golden Eagle - Monday Blues Report
  40. epic day on the bay.
  41. BOUNTY HUNTER - Striped Bass Report, 5/3
  42. NEW striper regs
  43. Saltwater Regulations
  44. Prowler 5 Monday May 4th
  45. Party boat Angler better ling today next trip Thursday
  46. Down Deep - 5/4 SIMPLY STATED - "TBA"
  47. Today on the Gambler!!!!
  48. Fisher Price IV 5/4 Excellent AM & Pm Stripers to 42 lbs!!!
  49. Sunday fun day on the Roman' Round
  50. Raritan Bay Water
  51. Monday offshore wrecks report
  52. Drum Question
  53. Reward
  54. LADY M CHARTERS / OPEN BOAT Stripers limited out in a hour
  55. Limits proposed for fluke, sea bass & scup
  56. Mad gaffer striped bass report 5/5/15
  57. Miss Belmar - Stripers & blues!
  58. Coastwide menhaden catch increased
  59. Golden Eagle - Super Fishing Today
  60. Ocean Explorer Tuesday
  61. Great day on the Sea Hunter
  62. IGFA confirmed World Record Blackfish
  63. FISHERMEN/Finally the bite I've been waiting for!! Tuesdays Report/
  64. Fisher Price IV 5/5 Great AM/PM Bass Fishing
  65. 2015 Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary Sheet
  66. Fishermen nite fishing 5-5-15 it's on
  67. FinTazTic*** Striped Bass Report 05/06***FinTazTic
  68. Can't see up close anymore? Costa Product Update-CMates
  69. Andreas Toy Striper Limit with the Adam Conley Charter
  70. Miss Belmar - Wednesday blues
  71. Dorothy B Wed. report
  72. Just curious
  73. Fisher Price IV 5/6 Great Bass Fishing
  74. Golden Eagle - Wednesday Report
  75. FISHERMEN/Hero to Zero. Wednesdays Fishing Report
  77. ~~~~~~~~~~ excellent fishing this week & pictures..Tagged Fish ~~~~~~~~~~
  78. ^^Misty Morn^^
  79. CockRobin.com OPENING DAY and a BENEFIT- OMELETTE OFF!
  80. Mad gaffer may 6 wed. striped bass report
  81. Hallie Loren---STRIPERS--Raritan Bay 5-6-15 evening
  82. jenny lee "throw back thursday"
  83. New State Record Tautog
  84. I.F.A.R.T Point Pleasant VFW Post 4715 Flounder Tournament 5/09/2015
  85. FISH TANK - Late Weekend Report
  86. Ocean Explorer Thursday
  87. Morning Bass limits
  88. Dorothy B not an easy Thursday...
  89. FISHERMEN/Thursdays Fishing Report.....
  90. Golden Eagle - Thursday Report
  91. papa's angels 5-7 report
  92. ~~~~~~~~~~ thursday bass pictures.. Tagged Fish ~~~~~~~~~~
  93. Quincy Flounder Report
  94. Party Boat Angler good ling fishing
  95. Fluke seminar this weekend
  96. Sea Horse 5/7 Striped Bass Report
  97. mad gaffer striped bass report Thursday, May 7
  98. Fisher Price IV 5/7 Excellent AM / INSANE PM Live Bunker BASS to 32 lbs!!
  99. Down Deep - 5/6 pm & 5/7 am STRIPED BASS REPORTS
  100. Lady m charters / open boat stripers
  101. ^^Misty Morn ^^ Magic report
  102. Shakedown trip today! Sufggestions?
  103. FISHERMEN/Thursday 5/8 NITE FISHING
  104. Webinar planned on butterfish, squid, mackerel specificiations
  105. Union Beach
  106. Did Angler sail or not ?
  107. Prowler 5 - Fri., May 8th, Big Blues and Bass
  108. shark river flounder?
  109. hackensack river
  110. Another great twilight trip aboard the Roman' Round
  111. 3,500 lb great white shark off NJ Coast
  112. Miss Belmar - Excellent fishing today!
  113. Sea Horse 5/8 Report
  114. Andreas Toy Striper-Blues trip with Wes Paton Charter
  115. Down Deep - 5/8 a.m. STRIPED BASS REPORT !
  116. Big mohawk
  117. Golden Eagle - Very Very Good Blues & Stripers
  118. papa's angels 5/8 report
  119. Dorothy B Friday 5/8 report
  120. Normak3 report 5/8/15
  121. Fog
  122. mad gaffer striped bass report 5/8/15
  123. GAMBLER --Fishing Report
  124. Fisher Price IV 5/8 AM & PM Bass Reports
  125. how is the surf fishing on sandy hook?
  126. BOUNTY HUNTER - Bluefish Report, 5/8
  127. Roman Round 5/8 Twilight
  128. Ductworks Cape May 5-8 Tiles
  129. Pre-season fluking - - legal or not?
  130. ^^Misty Morn^^ Magic report
  131. afternoon stripers on the Prowler V
  132. Sat morning stripers
  133. Big mohawk
  134. mad gaffer striped bass report May 9 Saturday a.m.
  135. Dorothy B 5/9 report
  136. GAMBLER --Saturday Report
  137. Welcome Mary Lou Crew Sportfishing
  138. Fin Taz Tic. Striper Report Saturday. Good Day of fishing
  139. BOUNTY HUNTER - Bass & Blues, 5/9
  140. Party Boat Angler ling report
  141. PROWLER5 -SAT. MAY 9th 7:30 and 3:30 BIG BLUES BASS REPORT
  142. Megan Beth Bass and Blues 5-9-15
  143. Lady m open boat /charters singing the blues
  144. Parker Pete 1st Striped Bass trip of 2015
  145. Saturday in the pea soup
  146. FISH STIX - 5/9 Back at it! Report.....
  147. One last tog shot down south
  148. Striped bass suggested as the national fish
  149. Picky blues? yeah i know...
  150. Foggy Blues on the Bay
  151. SeaSoda Sportfishing topwater bluefish.
  152. Ocean Explorer Saturday
  153. DOWN DEEP - 5/8 pm = 5/9 am = 5/9 pm STRIPER REPORTS
  154. Prowler 5 - 5/10/15, Mother's Day Beatdown, Bass and Blues
  155. FISHERMEN/Weekend Fishing Report.....
  156. mad gaffer Striped bass report May 10
  157. Big mohawk
  158. Golden Eagle - Weekend Recap - Very Good Blues
  159. BOUNTY HUNTER - Mother's Day Bluefish Report, 5/10
  160. Fisher Price IV Weekend Bass Reports to 34 LBS
  161. This should help with the Striped Bass Spawn
  162. CockRobin.com- Weekend Review- Omelette OFF!
  163. Dorothy B Mothers Day bassin
  164. Eveningtide Bass but all Blues
  165. Blueline Regs Worst Than First Thought
  166. Report 5/9-5/10 Bass and Blues
  167. Andreas Toy Stripers with the Brandon Igdalsky charter
  168. DOWN DEEP - 5/11 am STRIPED BASS REPORT !!!!!
  169. Normak3 weekend report 5/9 5/10
  170. FISH TANK - Late Thurs PM and Mother's Day Report
  171. Hawaii
  172. Mad gaffer striped bass report may 11
  173. Party Boat Angler Sunday report
  174. Golden Eagle - The BLUES continue to bite
  175. Prowler5 - Monday May 11th, Another Great Action Day
  176. Ocean Explorer Monday
  177. FISHERMEN/Mondays all day Bite with the regs!
  178. Hudson River Bass 05.08.15
  179. papa's angels 5/11 report
  180. Lady m open boat / charters bass & blues
  181. Fisher Price IV 5/11 AM/PM Stripers
  182. NMFS has issued the IHA to Rutgers et al:
  183. Golden Eagle - A good day with the BLUES
  184. Miss Belmar - Excellent fishing today!
  185. FISHERMEN/Another good day of Fishing. Tuesdays Report.
  186. 2015 Sandy Hook Bay Anglers Fluke Tourney!
  187. ~~~~~~~~~~ Tagged Fish ,,Pictures ~~~~~~~~~~
  188. Dorothy B Tuesday Bass to 30 Lbs!
  189. Ocean Explorer Tuesday
  190. LBI Party boats
  191. Fisher Price IV 5/12 Good Bass Fishing
  193. tuna fishing. .
  194. Preseason Fluke Poacher
  195. FISHERMEN/Tuesday 5/12 NITE FISHING
  196. Flounder? Fluke? Sundial?
  197. Fish Monger II Bottom fishing / Update
  198. Ocean Explorer Wednesday
  199. FISHERMEN/Wednesdays Late Bite in Overtime!
  200. Bahia Honda
  201. Party boat Angler Wednesday report
  202. ~~~~~~~~~~ 5/13, pictures... Bass & blues... Tagged fish ~~~~~~~~~~
  203. ^^Misty Morn ^^ Magic Report
  204. BOUNTY HUNTER - Bass & Blues With The John Bromely Charter 5/13
  205. Ocean Fun Days this weekend!!
  206. bunker sri
  207. Golden Eagle - All the BLUES you wanted
  208. mad gaffer bass report 5/14/15 thurs.
  209. Worked hard for bass today
  210. papa's angels 5/14 report
  211. CockRobin.com- Thursday- OH BABY!
  212. Party boat Angler Thursday report
  214. Fisher Price IV 5/14 Bass
  215. Capt. recounts battle with 759 lb nj record great white
  216. Blood worms in raritan bay for stripers?
  217. FISHERMEN/ Thursday NITE 5-14-15
  218. ^^Misty Morn ^^ Magic Hour report
  219. Jersey Nutz Bass & Blues *VIDEO*
  220. GAMBLER --Fishing Report
  221. Golden Eagle - We banged away at the BLUES today
  222. mad gaffer Striped bass report 5/15
  223. Another great day of blue fishing!
  224. One more week
  225. FISHERMEN/Some Big Bass today. Fridays Report.
  226. Good 1st trip but LOOK OUT SRI
  227. Party Boat Angler Friday Report
  228. CockRobin.com- Friday- GOOD BLUEFISHING
  229. BOUNTY HUNTER - Ed Warters Charter Spoons 47 LB. Bass
  230. We got the Blues,Blues, Blues
  231. Sunday Bass Fishing?
  232. Prowler5 - sat. , 5/16/15 big blues, bass report
  233. Bluefish Feeding Frenzy
  234. Fkuking on Wed.
  235. ^^ Misty Morn^^
  236. DOWN DEEP - Thurs / Fri STRIPERS !!!
  237. Big mohawk
  238. First try at fluke
  239. Golden Eagle - BLUES up to 15 lbs.
  240. FinTazTic Bluefish---Bass FinTazTic
  241. Big Mohawk big blues 5-16-15
  242. papa's angels 5/16 report
  243. Atlantic Star Fluke Today
  244. Party boat Angler Fluke report
  245. Fisher Price IV 5/15 Report
  246. Fisher Price IV 5/16 Hi-Mar Tournament
  247. ^^ Misty Morn ^^ Report
  248. ^^Misty Morn Magic Report^^
  249. FISH STIX - 5/15 No Bass, 100+ Blues!
  250. Down deep - 5/16 striper report