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  1. Big mohawk
  2. Just awful
  3. SHBA day 2
  4. Normak3 weekend wrap-up 7/12/14
  5. Thank you Fluke "wonder rig"
  6. Sea Horse 36.4lbs of Fluke
  7. Huge Halibut Caught In Alaska
  8. Winter flounder
  9. Fisher Price IV SHBA 4th place weekend recap
  10. Dorothy B weekend wrap up
  11. friend's first fluke ever...
  12. Sunday, great catching, tough seas!
  13. Surf for sharks
  14. Ocean Explorer Monday
  15. Gulp on plain jig head???
  16. Fluke - 10 Day Recap...More To Come
  17. Captain Cal Monday report
  18. Miss Belmar - Weekend wrap up
  19. Big mohawk
  20. Paramount Monday Marathon
  21. Parrt boat angler monday report
  22. papa's angels 7/14 report
  23. SEA HORSE 7/14 Report.
  24. Jamaica II - Monday
  25. Sunday Fluking Quality over Quantity
  26. Nantucket Fluking
  27. Canyon Runner Big-Eye, Yellowfin Blues and White - 60 Ritchie Open Saturday
  28. Evening Tide Fluking 7/14
  29. HOTREELS charters Giant tuna and striped bass
  30. spiny dogfish limits finalized
  31. GAMBLER --Day and Night Reports
  32. Captain Cal Fluke Marathon Tuesday
  33. Snapper Blues for Fluke
  34. Help w a tuna charter!!
  35. Big mohawk
  36. Party Boat Angler Tuesday report
  37. Finally a better Flattie! 7/15 Surf Report!
  38. Third Circuit Court Rules Seismic Survey Can Proceed
  39. BFT 7/11 late report
  40. Still catching stripers
  41. Tuesday on wildcat knoll!
  42. Sport Fishing & Boating Partnership Council meeting
  43. How to rig 6 rods for Great Bay Inlet
  44. Ocean Explorer Wednesday
  45. PROWLER 5 - Update July 16th
  46. first time trying gulp
  47. Fisher Price IV 7/16 Slow Fluking
  48. Past weekend
  49. Party boat angler Wednesday report
  50. Big mohawk
  51. Hudson Reports July 1 & 11
  52. Dorothy B Wed Report
  53. Who wants to fish tomorrow
  54. suggestion for Punta Cana charter
  55. How do you hook a snapper
  56. July 16th Fluke report - Johnny Bucktails
  57. FISHERMEN/Wednesdays Report.....
  58. Golden Touch - 7/16
  59. bluefin trolling help
  60. sunday midshore
  61. Fluke in the Surf
  62. Weather tomorrow
  63. Shrewsbury
  64. Miss Belmar - SUPER fishing today!
  65. Big Jamaica - Very Good bluefishing Today
  66. Ocean Explorer Thursday
  67. FISHERMEN/ Thursday's Fishing Report...
  68. Big mohawk
  69. Reel Class Thursday 7/17 Bottom Report
  70. Party boat angler Thursday fluke report
  71. Golden Eagle - Thursday - Plenty of Blues
  72. Down Deep 35' Bullet - 7/17 6 am Open Boat Jumbo Fluke
  73. Down Deep 40' - 7/17 6am Open Boat Jumbo Fluke trip
  74. Prowler v fluke 7/17
  75. Fisher Price IV 7/17 BFT Report
  76. good bottom fishing. ....TAGGED FISH
  77. Raritan bay questions
  78. Andreas Toy Midshore Trip with Oscar Carillo
  79. Jamaica II - Thursday
  80. Thursday on the "DS"
  81. How Wind direction affects fishing
  82. New York Fluke
  83. Last Minute Sign Up Tonight
  84. Fishing, Fireworks on the FishMonger 2
  85. BOUNTY HUNTER - Open Boat Mixed Bag 7/17
  86. Ocean Explorer Friday
  87. Long Branch surf... fluke again
  88. Fluke Tournaments
  89. Captain Cal Friday Fluke
  90. papa's angels 6/18 report
  91. 7/18 Fluke
  92. Reel Class Friday 7/18 Blues & Bottom Fishing
  93. Party Boat Angler Friday fluking
  94. Tagged fish ...... Ling & thresher
  95. FISH STIX - 7/18 Much Better Fluke today!
  96. Down Deep - 7/18 6 am Open Boat Fluke
  97. Down Deep Bullet - 7/18 5am Open Boat Ling & FLOUNDER
  98. Got a nice limit of fluke today!
  99. Monkfish landing opportuinities increased immediately
  100. FISH STIX - 7/17 Fluke Report
  101. Captain Cal Saturday Fluke
  102. Fisher Price IV 7/19 Fluke
  103. 7/19 Fluke
  104. July 18, super trip on wildcat!
  105. Party Boat Angler good fluking today
  106. BIg mohawk
  107. Fluke Quick Trip 7/19
  108. Fresh Mackerel
  109. Golden Eagle - Saturday - Very Good Blues, Bonita & Albie's
  110. Sat SH Fluke
  111. Dorothy B Saturday report 10 lb fluke
  112. Pt elks tourney
  113. Fishing with the shrimp man
  114. Staten Island sea turtle
  115. Great Day but not easy
  116. Big Jamaica - Good Day Saturday
  117. mad gaffer fluke and sea bass report sat 719
  118. Slow Saturday Fluking
  119. Dirty Water Fluking - Raritan Bay
  120. 7/19 Fluking on the Grateful Dad
  121. Fluke / Seabass
  122. Wind and water temp data for the previous day
  123. SRI water temps??
  124. Sport Fish Restoration Act needs renewal
  125. PROWLER5 - Saturday, July 19th, Fluke Report
  126. Super Bass Fishing Sunday
  127. RBA fluke tourney 7/19 another good day
  128. 7/19 Seabass/ Fluke report
  129. Golden Eagle - Sunday - Excellent Blues & Bonita
  130. Ocean Explorer Sunday
  131. Big Jamaica - Excellent Bluefishing Today & Bonito
  132. 7/17 and 7/18 BFT on Russian roulette
  133. Party Boat angler Sunday fluke report
  134. Captain Cal Sunday Report "Fluke"
  135. Big mohawk
  136. Braid on party boats
  137. Raritan bay fluke tournament -Johnny Bucktails
  138. Parker Pete's Fluke trip recap
  139. Raritan Bay Anglers Club Fluke Tournament
  140. Reel Class 7/20
  141. Fisher Price IV 7/20 Fluke
  142. Tinker Macks
  143. Roman'Round Fluke Report
  144. FISH TANK - Weekend Update
  145. good botton fishing
  146. Hudson Canyon 7/25-7/26
  147. Mahi setup
  148. Ocean Explorer Monday
  149. ablies/bonito tackle
  150. NORMAK3 Weekend Wrap-Up July 19th and 20th
  151. Miss Belmar - blues, bonito & a thresher shark!
  152. Thresher advice
  153. Big Jamaica - Blues & Bonito - Very Good Monday
  154. Captain Cal Monday Report
  155. CRT II flukin
  156. Evening Tide Fluking 7/21
  157. mad gaffer fluke & sea bass report mon. 7/21
  158. Party Boat Angler Tuesday fluke report
  159. Golden Eagle - Monday - Excellent Blues & Bonita
  160. Paramount Monday Marathon
  161. Big mohawk
  162. Jamaica II - Monday
  163. Bluefin out of MI 7-21
  164. Dorothy B todays...fishing
  165. Cape Cod 7/20
  166. Sunday Inside and Out Report: 6/20
  167. Reel Class Monday 7/21 Fluke "Report" & Pee-wee's
  168. Normak3 - monday report 7/21/14
  169. 7/21 Fluke Report - Dragging Bait = Keepers
  170. Super Bluefishing Tuesday - Big Jamaica
  171. Offshore Thursday and Friday
  172. Miss Belmar - All you want blues with bonito mixed in today
  173. Party boat Angler Reel Tuesday fluke report
  174. FISHERMEN/Capt. Ron
  175. Captain Cal Fluke Marathon Tuesday
  176. Down Deep Bullet - 7/22 6 am Open Boat Fluke to 9.6 lbs.
  177. Big mohawk
  178. Blue Fin Tuna Report
  179. Capt. Cal Annual Company Fishing Trip
  180. This Amazing Diving with Wolf Eels
  181. FISH STIX - 7/22 Fluke to 9lbs
  182. Sea Horse 7/22 Fluke Report
  183. Sri 7/22
  184. bonitos
  185. Good bottom fishing & fluke... Tagged fish
  186. hudson
  187. HOTREELS stripers and commercial macks
  188. caution beach goers And fisherman!
  189. Down Deep Bullet - 7/23 6 am Open Boat Fluke Beatdown
  190. Ocean Explorer Tuesday
  191. 2014 jersey coast fluke tournament (jcaa)
  192. Sea girt reef report?
  193. Ocean Explorer Wednesday
  194. Captain Cal Wednesday
  195. Miss Belmar - Wednesday fishing
  196. Tuesday July 22nd Fluke Report - Johnny Bucktails
  197. Snappers???
  198. FISHERMEN/Today was the day to be a Party Boat Captain!!!
  199. Big mohawk
  200. Golden Eagle - Wednesday's Fishing
  201. Party boat Angler Wednesday fluke report
  202. Summer Time Blue Fishing on the Cock Robin
  203. Beautiful Beautiful Mahi
  204. Fisher Price IV 7/23 Fluke
  205. Jamaica II
  206. NORMAK3 July 23rd Report
  207. Looking to fish sat...
  208. Down Deep Bullet - 7/24 6 am Open Boat Fluke Beatdown
  209. Fishermen/night fishing
  210. Fisher Price IV 7/24 Fluke Crush
  211. Golden Eagle - Thursday - Very Very Good Blues
  212. Ocean Explorer Thursday
  213. Captain Cal Fluke
  214. Miss Belmar - All the blues you wanted today!
  215. Red church reports?
  216. FISHERMEN/Another excellent Day!!
  217. Down Deep -7/24 Insane Ling & Bottom Dwellers
  218. Big mohawk
  219. Hot Bite on Angler Party Boat Today
  220. Looking for BFT Trip Fri/Sat!
  221. FISH STIX - 7/24 Better Fluking to 8lbs
  222. Party boat Angler very good fluking today
  223. Prowler5 - thurs, july 24th, good fluking
  224. *********tagged fish **********
  225. Another famous member!!
  226. Dorothy B Chartered Fri. PM Sat PM open both AM trips
  227. Good Luck this weekend!
  228. Big Jamaica - Very Good Thursday Night
  229. Fluke Fishing
  230. Prowler5 - fri, july 25th, another excellent start to the fluke day
  231. Golden Eagle - Friday - Another Very Very Good Day
  232. Wahooooo!!!!
  233. Garone Custom Rods deep drop charter 8/3-8/6 spots available
  234. Water temps
  235. Captain Cal Belmar Fluke
  236. Down Deep Bullet - 7/25 6 AM Open Boat FLUKE TO 11 lbs.
  237. Blig Jamaica Good Bluefishing Day & Night
  238. Miss Belmar - Excellent blue fishing again today!
  239. papa's angels 7/25 report
  240. Fisher Price IV 7/25 Fluke Limits
  241. Mad Gaffer 7/25 fishing report
  242. Party Boat Angler Friday report
  243. Slayed em on the shrimp
  244. Dorothy B & Atlantic Star
  245. Down Deep 40' - 7/25 6 am Open Boat Fluke !
  246. Island Beach Fishing/Camping?
  247. Fluke fishing
  248. MAFMC plans August meeting to discuss specs
  249. Best Fluking So Far!
  250. Sandy Hook Bay