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  1. Nice Bass
  2. Mad Gaffer striped bass report today 04/18
  3. Andreas Toy Striper Limit with the Adam Conley Charter
  4. Committee to determine squid, butterfish, mackerel limits
  5. GAMBLER --Blackfish Report
  6. Fisher Price IV 4/18 Good Bassin
  7. Dorothy B Good Friday Bassin
  8. Bass Pro Store?
  9. Prowler5 - sat. April 19th good start to the bass day - keepers
  10. Puerto Rico Yellow fin Tunas!
  11. Dorothy B live report 10 AM
  12. Flash...Big Bass
  13. Fisher Price IV 4/19 Bass Report
  14. Bassin Blast
  15. Cod
  16. Mad Gaffer striped report 4/19
  17. the canal was a bust
  18. Mimi VI found some Blackfish life today
  19. Found em on the dirty shrimp
  20. Down Deep - 4/19 Stripers & Flatties
  21. bass fishing
  22. Sea Horse - Striped Bass Report- 4/19
  23. West end washout
  24. Toggin 4/19/14
  25. F/V Tuna.com 4/19
  26. Raritan Bay heating up 4/19
  27. for the surf guys
  28. Mad Gaffer striped bass trips
  29. PROWLER 5 Easter Sun., April 20th, Bass Report
  30. Big mohawk
  31. Easter Bassing
  32. 4/19 Solid Cod and Pollock trip !
  33. Golden Eagle - Sunday Striper Report
  34. Today, easter, red hot for jim d!
  35. Tagged Fish. .. Stripers
  36. Fisher Price IV 4/20 Easter Bass Report
  37. Tile Fish caught on the Gambler
  38. Chest waders
  39. Jersey Key Good Easter Morning Bass
  40. FISH TANK - Flounder Report 4/19
  41. Mad gaffer 4/21 striped bass report
  42. Dorothy B Monday 4-21 good bassin!
  43. papa's angels 4/21 report bass limits + bonus tags
  44. Commercial Fisherman - Set Aside Quota
  45. Raritan Bay Bassin Monday
  46. Big mohawk
  47. GAMBLER --Tilefish Report
  48. First trip of the year Bass report
  49. Slip for May, Raritan Bay
  50. PROWLER5 - Tues., April 22nd, Striped Bass Report
  51. Another dead small mako
  52. Think he needs a bigger truck?
  53. Roman' Round 4/21 striped bass report
  54. Bass report April 21st and 22nd ( 30 lbs )- Johnny Bucktails
  55. A great day on the Raritan Bay
  56. Gambler Blackfish
  57. Tuesday, another banner day!
  58. Fisher Price IV 4/22 Bass Limits
  59. Dorothy B Tuesday 4-22 report
  60. Raritan Bay Bass Report
  61. Jersey Key 4/22 Bass
  62. Great first trip for stripers
  63. Highland Fishing This Weekend
  64. Effect of cold winter on tuna season?
  65. Roman' Round 4/22 striped bass report
  66. Grouper "Galore" Venice Florida
  67. Bunker off Point Pleasant
  68. *Sea Horse* 4/22 Striper Report
  69. Wednesdays 4/23, striper weather. .... Tagged Fish
  70. Bottom Head Boats
  71. Hilton Head charter boats
  72. Back bay windy bass
  73. mad gaffer striped bass report 4/24/14
  74. Dorothy b update not sailing friday 4-25
  75. Andreas Toy Stripers with the Steve Romain Charter
  76. Fishery management councils plan joint meeting
  77. PROWLER5 - Fri., April 25th, Bass Beatdown
  78. Golden Eagle - Friday Stripers
  79. Stripers on the 32' Contender Raritan Bay
  80. papa's angels 4/25 report bass limits + bonus tags
  81. Tackle Reco's for Party Boat Striper Fishing
  82. Gambler blackfish report 4/25
  83. Party boat angler good stripe bass report
  84. Big mohawk
  85. Belmar Party Boat RB
  86. Andreas Toy maintenance and quick limit
  87. Down Deep - 4/25 Striper Limits
  88. Friday, april 25 another blitz!
  89. NOAA in the “sustainable seafood” business?
  90. Eveningtide Stripers
  91. Gotta Love the BSing on this site
  92. Fisher Price IV 4/25 Phenomenal Am Bassing / PM Bunker Limits ++
  93. *Sea Horse* 4/25 Striper Report
  94. FISH TANK - Bottom Report 4/25
  95. Bassing with the zagorskis
  96. Sea Tiger II Fri afternoon - Bites on
  97. Anybody Night Striper Fishing?
  98. 4/26 Striped Bass
  99. To Clam or To Bunker That is the Question
  100. PHOTOS - PROWLER5 - Sat., April 26th, Striped Bass Report
  101. papa's angels 4/26 report a good bass trip
  102. Golden Eagle - Saturday Striper Report
  103. Party boat angler saturday bass
  104. DOROTHY B SATURDAY 4-26 Good Bass Fishing
  105. Big mohawk
  106. Great bass fishing
  107. For Cod's Sake
  108. Anyone one have room for 1 or 2
  109. Saturday excellent striper fishing and a popped cherry
  110. bass and flounders today
  111. Fisher Price IV 4/26 Am & Pm Limits Bass to 35 Lbs
  112. Atlantic Star Stripers
  113. 4-27 bassin not so good for us !
  114. Bass on the LC
  115. Golden Eagle - Sunday Stripers
  116. Saturday on stellwagen!
  117. Dorothy B Sunday 4-27 slow bassin
  118. Beat down on the RomanRound!!!
  119. Fisher Price IV 4/27 Bass Limits ++
  120. papa's angels 4/27 report the bass keep coming
  121. Bassing with the KING and Mikey... 4-27-14
  122. Ocean Explorer Sunday,,.....
  123. Suday -Another limit in the wind
  124. Party boat angler slow sunday bassing
  125. Prowler v striper report 4/27
  126. Stripers !
  127. It was a good weekend for the Bass!
  128. Sunday Bassin'
  129. Sunday on the bank!
  130. *SEA HORSE* Weekend Report 4/27.
  131. Awesome fishing on the Roman' Round 4/27
  132. May 12 and 13th opening green harbor cod
  133. Sunday on the dirty shrimp
  134. Big mohawk
  135. Evening tide stripers afternoon 4/27
  136. MM
  137. Sunday bassin
  138. Sunday on stellwagen!
  139. 4.27.14 Bottom fishing.
  140. Sea Hawk Striper Fishing. 4/26
  141. PROWLER5 - Monday, April 28th, Slow Bassing So Far
  142. Fisher Price IV 4/28 Bass Beatdown
  143. Big Jamaica Weekend Report
  144. FWS awards multistate fishing grants
  145. Welcome Bingo Sportfishing
  146. Ocean Explorer Monday
  147. Golden Eagle - Monday Report
  148. Tuna.com Cod, Open Spot
  149. papa's angels 4/28 report
  150. Andreas Toy Striper Trip with Larry Brusskin
  151. Best day so far-Stripers Raritan Bay
  152. Roosters, Stripers 4-28-14
  153. Dorothy B it is what it is: slow day
  154. Down Deep - Striper report 4/27 & 4/28
  155. Great evening in da bay!!! 4/28
  156. Nice bass yesterday
  157. Striper report
  158. cod haddock
  159. Tagged fish, morinng limits & a couple tough afternoons
  160. Jersey Key Bass Reports
  161. stripers
  162. togorama
  163. Fishing in Cabo San Lucas
  164. Turned Forty In Cabo
  165. This has to be said.
  166. Bunkers? Bluefish?
  167. i bet they bite out front....
  168. Beach Replenishment
  169. Fri bass fishing?
  170. Boat Sinking in Keyport
  171. Cormorants in the Salt
  172. How's the bay?
  173. *Sea Horse* 4/28 Report
  174. JCAA Fluke tournament Aug 2
  176. NJMFC Meeting Report 5-1-14
  177. Gone fishin
  178. Raritan Bay Flushed?
  179. Mid-Atlantic anglers release more fish than they keep
  180. 5/2 - Dirty Water
  181. Highlands Striper Charter
  182. PROWLER5 - Fri., May 2nd, Another Fri. Beatdown on the Striped Bass
  183. Canyon Runner Homeward Bound - Canyon Season Almost All Booked Up!
  184. 44065 at 50 degrees!
  185. Stripes in the dirty water
  186. 6th Annual RFA-NJ Flukathon Litmus Test
  187. Party boat angler friday good bass fishing
  188. papa's angels 5/2 report a good bass trip
  189. Dorothy B bass chewed Friday 5/2
  190. Sandy Hook Channel/ Flynn's Knoll Bass beginning?
  191. Mad gaffer open boat striped bass report 5/2
  192. 5/2 Late Bite Down Deep
  193. Limit plus plus plus
  194. Tough day on the shrimp
  195. SEA HORSE 5/2 Fishing Report/New Crew
  196. Fisher Price IV 5/2 Am Bass Slaughter/ Pm slower bassing
  197. Down Deep - Striper report 5-2-14
  198. Sharkbite 2 Saturday
  199. Rare Atlantic Sturgeon Found In Ct River
  200. any thoughts on ling fishing now?
  201. Pride Fishing Tacke 5/3 Sale, Gargage Sale Flea Market Type thing going on now
  202. Reel Class - Bass Report -- Oceanside
  203. GAMBLER Striper Report
  204. Ocean Explorer Saturday
  205. Saturday Stripers-Good Fishing
  206. Party boat angler saturday bass report
  207. Good day with mikeytopaz
  208. Dorothy B good bass bite today!
  210. Capt Steve
  211. Sea Horse 5/3 Striped Bass Report.
  212. Grateful Dad Saturday 5/3
  213. papa's angels 5/3 report bass limits + bonus tags
  214. Saturday with big mac!
  215. FISH STIX - Striper Reports 5/2 AM & PM and 5/3
  216. Posting pics from iPhone
  217. 5/3 Russian roulette cod
  218. Two stinkers in a row
  219. Fisher Price IV 5/3 Big Bass AM / Slow Pm
  220. Loss of a great friend and fisherman
  221. BOUNTY HUNTER - Striper Report
  222. Sea Hawk Stripers 5/3 - Great Day!
  223. Stripers
  224. PROWLER5 - Sun., April 4th, Slow Start to the Day, Windy
  225. Sea Horse Morning report and Magic Hour update.
  226. Down Deep - Striper reports 5/3 am & 5/3 pm
  227. NMFS announces new mapping system
  228. Ocean Explorer Sunday
  229. papa's angels 5/4 bass report
  230. Who's fishing tomorrow?
  231. Mad gaffer weekend reports
  232. SEISMIC OCEAN BLASTING TO BEGIN ON JUNE 3---15 miles off Barnegat Inlet
  233. Party boat angler sunday report
  234. Sunday morning surf report
  235. Dorothy B Sunday report
  236. FISH STIX - 5/4 Much Better Striper Report
  237. Down Deep - Sunday 5/4 Stripers
  238. BOUNTY HUNTER - Sunday Striper Report 5/4
  239. Roman' Round 5/4 Fishing Report
  240. Jersey Hooker Stripers 5/4/14 Stripers
  241. NOAA taking comments on Atlantic fishing boat ID rule
  242. Hotreels Charters cod report
  243. Offshore Tilefish
  244. Shrewsubry river
  245. tagged fish.. limit trips & a few tough ones
  246. New tuna regs in mass!
  247. Big mohawk
  248. Golden Eagle - Striper Update
  249. capt Steve
  250. Sunday Mass