View Full Version : Salt Water Fishing
- Miss Belmar - striper & blues report (0 replies)
- Paramount - Post Holiday Sea Bass & Ling (4 replies)
- Chasin'tail 5/27-5/28 Dave Latz Striped Bass (1 replies)
- Nite stripers / Fishermen (0 replies)
- Sea bass Jigging set any recomandations? (6 replies)
- Prowler5 - Wed., May 29th Fluke Update, Capt. Scott (0 replies)
- Greater Atlantic Bluefish Tournament (2 replies)
- BOUNTY HUNTER - A Tough One With The Alan Amisson Charter, 5/28 (0 replies)
- Cod Pollock Jigmania w/ Garone Custom Rods (13 replies)
- SEA HORSE 5/28 Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Megan Beth Late report. (0 replies)
- FISH TANK - Mon and Tues Sea Bass Report (6 replies)
- LOWRIDER Memorial Day weekend Recap a Tough One (0 replies)
- Parker Pete's Tues bottom fish and more (2 replies)
- FISH STIX - 5/28 - Bass Hack (3 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Good Tuesday Fluking (4 replies)
- Off shore locations (7 replies)
- bunker spoons (4 replies)
- Bingo - Sea Horse Update (13 replies)
- Tuesday Paramount Sea Bass and Ling (11 replies)
- Dorothy B Tuesday 5/28 Fluke report (2 replies)
- Fishermen/Big Bass Tuesday!! (5 replies)
- Need Help...Please...Are the Bluefish in Raritan Bay or gone? (7 replies)
- Tuesday Bass-Raritan Bay (0 replies)
- Prowler5 - Tues., May 28th, Fluke, Fluke, Fluke, Capt. Scott (1 replies)
- Big Bass - where are they? (28 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Monday C bass.. (1 replies)
- Cod tomorrow (8 replies)
- Reel Class Monday Memorial Day AM & "PM" Trips (2 replies)
- One Stop Shopping - Monday Biscuits (8 replies)
- Fintastic 47LB BASS! Sunday/Monday report (3 replies)
- Striped Bass Trip Insufishent Funds 5/27/2013 (1 replies)
- Sea Tiger II: Past few days & memorable Memorial Day (0 replies)
- Tile trip on Russian Roulette with a surprise (10 replies)
- Andreas Toy Memorial Day Mixed Bag Trip with DJ Palathinkal Charter (0 replies)
- Bottom fishing Monday (ling & cod) (0 replies)
- Fisher Price IV Memorial Day Stripers (0 replies)
- Fishing Quote (9 replies)
- Memorial Day tuna tile (1 replies)
- Memorial Day Afternoon fluke trip (0 replies)
- Father & Sons Fluke trip (0 replies)
- FISH STIX - 5/26 PM Striper Bust-5/27 VERY Good Fluke (3 replies)
- Normak3 Weekend / Holiday Report (0 replies)
- ((((((((mm)))))))) FLuke (0 replies)
- On The Bank With Big Mac! (0 replies)
- if i dont get out soon !! (1 replies)
- Dorothy B Memorial Day report: fluking getting better! (0 replies)
- BOUNTY HUNTER - Slow Bassin With The Harry Combe Charter, 05/27 (0 replies)
- Saturday Report 5/25: Good back bay action. (2 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Monday Report (3 replies)
- Big Kid Striper report (0 replies)
- papa's angels 5/27 report a nice fluke day (4 replies)
- SEA HORSE Memorial Day Fluke Report. (0 replies)
- Solo on the shrimp (22 replies)
- Parker Pete's Memorial Day Sea Bass (0 replies)
- Photos Prowler5, Mon., May27th, It's Fluke Time, Capt. Glenn (1 replies)
- Cape May - Down Deep Seabass & Drum 5/26/& 5/27 (0 replies)
- Another good day fluking (4 replies)
- Fishermen/Monday's Fishing Report (4 replies)
- GAMBLER Good Fluke Report (2 replies)
- Ocean Exploring Sea Bass Sunday (0 replies)
- Holiday Bass (0 replies)
- New Hampshire ground fishing (6 replies)
- Capt. Bob and the Gambler to host wounded Vets on June 5th! (14 replies)
- Nite stripers / Fishermen (2 replies)
- Fish Head Sunday Stripers (5 replies)
- Golden Eagle First NIte Blues 2013 (0 replies)
- 5/26 pm seabass report (3 replies)
- Normak3 Fluke Report 5/26/13 (0 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Sunday Report (2 replies)
- Dorothy B 5/26 Fluke report (0 replies)
- FISHERMEN?Sunday's Bass Fishing Report! (1 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sea Bass Sunday (1 replies)
- On The Bank With Big Mac! (0 replies)
- On The Bank With Big Mac! (0 replies)
- Sunday Afternoon Stripers On The Prowler V (2 replies)
- Thanks to all who served (10 replies)
- SRI hazard (2 replies)
- Big Jamaica 5-25 Report (0 replies)
- Any luck oceanfront surf? (2 replies)
- Golden Eagle - Saturday Report (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Saturday Sea Bass (1 replies)
- Chasin'tail 5/24 Slow Sloppy Bassin (0 replies)
- 5/24 seabass report (2 replies)
- bingo (3 replies)
- Canal (0 replies)
- Surf is coming alive with the weather. (1 replies)
- Stiper fishing is still red hot in Raritan Bay (3 replies)
- Fintastic Friday slow bassing 5/24 (0 replies)
- Fisher Price IV 5/24 Am/Pm Bass Report (2 replies)
- This Weekend (4 replies)
- BOUNTY HUNTER - Good Seabass Fishing For The Keith Taboada Charter, 5/24 (1 replies)
- On The Bank With Big Mac!h (0 replies)
- Capt. Dan / Fishermen (18 replies)
- SEA HORSE 5/24 Fishing Report and Weekend Update (0 replies)
- Dorothy B Friday 5/24 fluke report (3 replies)
- FISHERMEN/ The Bite is Back!!! Friday 5/24 Report (10 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Thursday Report Not Sailing Saturday (0 replies)
- Wed. Cod Trip (4 replies)
- Picture from the Excel (9 replies)
- Tarpon Fishing Boca Grande Florida (8 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sea bass Friday (1 replies)
- Andreas Toy+Yamaha Outboard Marine Motors (16 replies)
- Miss Belmar - Friday striper report (0 replies)
- O. C. Maryland Charters (3 replies)
- Down Deep Sportfishing - 5/23 Jumbo Drum (2 replies)
- Bermuda (1 replies)
- Andreas Toy...Maintenance and Crew trip (5 replies)
- GAMBLER Striper Report and Fluke Trips (1 replies)
- Tilefishing (17 replies)
- Sea Horse - We have a Charter! (0 replies)
- Weekend Report: Good Sunday 5/19 (6 replies)
- FISHERMEN/ Some beauties again today!! Thursday (3 replies)
- Normak3 Fishing Report 5/23/2013 (0 replies)
- 5/21/13 cod haddock pollock cusk and a Basking shark (0 replies)
- Fintastic late weekend report (0 replies)
- Great Day Yesterday For NJ Anglers on Relentless (1 replies)
- Fisher Price IV 5/22 (0 replies)
- Launch Reopens (1 replies)
- The weather is killin me (12 replies)
- BOUNTY HUNTER - Good Bass Fishing With The Keith Stanhope Charter, 5/21 (2 replies)
- Looking for open spot raritan bay bass 5/24 (1 replies)
- SRI stripers (1 replies)
- Cock Robin- LET 2013 BASS SEASON BEGIN!! (3 replies)
- It is live line time in Raritan Bay (2 replies)
- Monger canyon trip 5-22-13 (23 replies)
- Cod on the Wrecks! (1 replies)
- FISH STIX - Reports 5/21 & 5/22 Liveeeee Lineeeee!!! (4 replies)
- Raritan Bay Surf Report (0 replies)
- Sea Horse Pics (1 replies)
- Sea Tiger II Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Sea Horse - Bad weather Conditions! (0 replies)
- 5/22 afternoon bassing (0 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Wednesday Slow Fluking (2 replies)
- Golden Eagle Wednesday Stripers (0 replies)
- Andreas Toy Charters Stripers-Seabass Trip with the Adam Conley Charter (1 replies)
- Ocean Exploring the Sea Bass (0 replies)
- FISHERMEN/Better Bite today, Wednesday. (0 replies)
- Down Deep Drum 5/21 (0 replies)
- Reel Class Bass to 36lbs (3 replies)
- Paramount - Last Couple days of Sea Bass Fishing (2 replies)
- Surf report- Tuesday 5/21 (0 replies)
- Jersey Nutz Reports 5/12 – 5/21 the kids have been on board (3 replies)
- Spearing (8 replies)
- Recreational Clamming (3 replies)
- Keansburg Pier to Reopen (3 replies)
- NJ FISHING 20% off Member Discount (0 replies)
- Good fluking (1 replies)
- Pool winner! (0 replies)
- Sea Horse - Good conditions, good fishing! (0 replies)
- shark river floating dock (2 replies)
- mad gaffer bass report today tues. 5/21 (0 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Tuesday Good Fluking (4 replies)
- Parker Pete's bottom fish and more (0 replies)
- papa's angels 5/21 report a fun day of fishing (2 replies)
- BOUNTY HUNTER - A Much Better Day With The Ken Steiner Charter, 5/21 (0 replies)
- Bounty Hunter - Another tough one with the Eric Passanante Charter 5/21 (0 replies)
- Cicadas as Bait? (7 replies)
- Nice Angling (0 replies)
- Golden Eagle - Good Striper Fishing Today (0 replies)
- FISHERMEN/Tuesday Stripers....Big Fish. (2 replies)
- Dorothy B 5/21 AM Fluke report (1 replies)
- Miss Belmar striper report (1 replies)
- Fisher Price 5/21 Bass (0 replies)
- PROWLER5 - THURS. MAY 23rd FLUKE (0 replies)
- 5/21 reporting from location (3 replies)
- Ling this Week (4 replies)
- Big Kid Maja Afternoon Slaughter (0 replies)
- Monday Bass Raritan Bay (0 replies)
- No Blitz But Steady Pick! (0 replies)
- The winner of Hi Mar fundraiser is ? (11 replies)
- FISH STIX - Awesome Live Lining 5/20 STACKED (2 replies)
- Sunday Striper Bite (0 replies)
- Shark river exploring monday (4 replies)
- Pm seabass trip (1 replies)
- First drum trip (6 replies)
- Kayak fluke fishing Highlands (7 replies)
- Andreas Toy Striper Trip with the John Beutel Charter (1 replies)
- Twin River Report (2 replies)
- GAMBLER --Striper Report and Upcoming Trips (5 replies)
- Dorothy B Monday 5/20 fluke report (0 replies)
- Golden Eagle - Weekend & Monday (0 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Mondat Fluke Report (2 replies)
- Weather (6 replies)
- What does X fish per day mean regarding regulations? (6 replies)
- Fisher Price IV 5/20 Bass Report (0 replies)
- Miss Belmar - weekend wrap up (0 replies)
- Hot And Cold Weekend (0 replies)
- Chasin'tail Tough Opening Weekend (1 replies)
- Gambler Sunday catchin in the rain (8 replies)
- Sunday Blitz On Stellwagen! (0 replies)
- Normak3 Weekend Report, Fluke / Bluefish (4 replies)
- Megan Bethj Weekend recap. (3 replies)
- Keyport Bulkhead (0 replies)
- Inlet Blues (0 replies)
- May 18th and 19th bass/fluke reports (2 replies)
- Sunday seabass (2 replies)
- Prowler5 - Sun., May 19, Very Slow Day, Capt. Glenn (4 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Weekend Fluke Report (7 replies)
- Sea Horse - A rainy Day, but here's the pics. (0 replies)
- Saturday Christmas day (2 replies)
- Sea Horse - A slow day. (1 replies)
- FISHERMEN/One day Up, next day down!! Sunday (2 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sunday (4 replies)
- Fluke-a-thon Turned Out To Be Yet Another 3-Ling Circus (10 replies)
- Opening day on the dirty shrimp (1 replies)
- Any pp canal action (2 replies)
- Big Kid limits of Bass up to 37 pounds (3 replies)
- Bottom Fishing on The ANGLER (5 replies)
- (2 replies)
- Fisher Price IV 5/16 - 5/19 Bass Reports (3 replies)
- parker Petes 5/18 pm bass beatdown (0 replies)
- Prowler5 - Sat. May 18th Day And 3:30 Bass Report, Capt. Glenn (0 replies)
- Look At these Beauties ! (2 replies)
- Cape May - Down Deep Seabass (0 replies)
- FISH STIX - 5/18 a.m./p.m. Stripers Blowing Up! (0 replies)
- Flucking late report 5/18 (2 replies)
- East Of Stellwagen! (0 replies)
- Open Boat Stripers 5/18/13 (0 replies)
- Cape May- Down Deep Drumming (0 replies)
- Dorothy B Opening Day Fluke Report (2 replies)
- 05/18/13 Cod Pollock (2 replies)
- Reel Class Saturday 5/18 Fluke & Stripers (3 replies)
- papa's angels 5/18 report (0 replies)
- 5/17 tile report (9 replies)
- Normak3 Opening Fluke Report (0 replies)
- The Pool winner ! (1 replies)
- Prowler V Bass (0 replies)
- Sea Horse - First Fluke Trip! (0 replies)
- Golden Eagle Blues & Bass (0 replies)
- 5/18 Slow Bassing, but worked for some nice ones (0 replies)
- Big Jamaica Saturday 5-18 (0 replies)
- Great day fluking (6 replies)
- FISHERMEN/The bite was on today!!!! (5 replies)
- Fluke Opening Day 5/18 (2 replies)
- bottom fishing 5/17 (0 replies)
- Parker Petes 5/18 morning bass (0 replies)
- Are Bluefish in Bay around Keyport (8 replies)
- Radian bay kayak (1 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Fluke Report Sea Bass tomorrow.. (1 replies)
- Opening day fluke Shark River (8 replies)
- Any word on the fluke? (3 replies)
- Andreas Toy 2 Days of Striper Fishing with Hodges-Tyas Charter (0 replies)
- Monger Bassing (1 replies)
- BOUNTY HUNTER - Tough Day With The Vincent Zola Charter. 5/17 (1 replies)
- Friday 5/17 raritan bay (4 replies)
- FISH STIX - Stripers All Dayyyyy Live Line to 30lbs (1 replies)
- 21 Jcsa annual striper tournament tommorrow (1 replies)
- papa's angels 5/17 report bass limits to 19 lbs (0 replies)
- Sea Horse - Last Striper Trip. (0 replies)
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