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  1. Miss Belmar - striper & blues report (0 replies)
  2. Paramount - Post Holiday Sea Bass & Ling (4 replies)
  3. Chasin'tail 5/27-5/28 Dave Latz Striped Bass (1 replies)
  4. Nite stripers / Fishermen (0 replies)
  5. Sea bass Jigging set any recomandations? (6 replies)
  6. Prowler5 - Wed., May 29th Fluke Update, Capt. Scott (0 replies)
  7. Greater Atlantic Bluefish Tournament (2 replies)
  8. BOUNTY HUNTER - A Tough One With The Alan Amisson Charter, 5/28 (0 replies)
  9. Cod Pollock Jigmania w/ Garone Custom Rods (13 replies)
  10. SEA HORSE 5/28 Fluke Report (0 replies)
  11. Megan Beth Late report. (0 replies)
  12. FISH TANK - Mon and Tues Sea Bass Report (6 replies)
  13. LOWRIDER Memorial Day weekend Recap a Tough One (0 replies)
  14. Parker Pete's Tues bottom fish and more (2 replies)
  15. FISH STIX - 5/28 - Bass Hack (3 replies)
  16. Party Boat Angler Good Tuesday Fluking (4 replies)
  17. Off shore locations (7 replies)
  18. bunker spoons (4 replies)
  19. Bingo - Sea Horse Update (13 replies)
  20. Tuesday Paramount Sea Bass and Ling (11 replies)
  21. Dorothy B Tuesday 5/28 Fluke report (2 replies)
  22. Fishermen/Big Bass Tuesday!! (5 replies)
  23. Need Help...Please...Are the Bluefish in Raritan Bay or gone? (7 replies)
  24. Tuesday Bass-Raritan Bay (0 replies)
  25. Prowler5 - Tues., May 28th, Fluke, Fluke, Fluke, Capt. Scott (1 replies)
  26. Big Bass - where are they? (28 replies)
  27. Ocean Explorer Monday C bass.. (1 replies)
  28. Cod tomorrow (8 replies)
  29. Reel Class Monday Memorial Day AM & "PM" Trips (2 replies)
  30. One Stop Shopping - Monday Biscuits (8 replies)
  31. Fintastic 47LB BASS! Sunday/Monday report (3 replies)
  32. Striped Bass Trip Insufishent Funds 5/27/2013 (1 replies)
  33. Sea Tiger II: Past few days & memorable Memorial Day (0 replies)
  34. Tile trip on Russian Roulette with a surprise (10 replies)
  35. Andreas Toy Memorial Day Mixed Bag Trip with DJ Palathinkal Charter (0 replies)
  36. Bottom fishing Monday (ling & cod) (0 replies)
  37. Fisher Price IV Memorial Day Stripers (0 replies)
  38. Fishing Quote (9 replies)
  39. Memorial Day tuna tile (1 replies)
  40. Memorial Day Afternoon fluke trip (0 replies)
  41. Father & Sons Fluke trip (0 replies)
  42. FISH STIX - 5/26 PM Striper Bust-5/27 VERY Good Fluke (3 replies)
  43. Normak3 Weekend / Holiday Report (0 replies)
  44. ((((((((mm)))))))) FLuke (0 replies)
  45. On The Bank With Big Mac! (0 replies)
  46. if i dont get out soon !! (1 replies)
  47. Dorothy B Memorial Day report: fluking getting better! (0 replies)
  48. BOUNTY HUNTER - Slow Bassin With The Harry Combe Charter, 05/27 (0 replies)
  49. Saturday Report 5/25: Good back bay action. (2 replies)
  50. Party Boat Angler Monday Report (3 replies)
  51. Big Kid Striper report (0 replies)
  52. papa's angels 5/27 report a nice fluke day (4 replies)
  53. SEA HORSE Memorial Day Fluke Report. (0 replies)
  54. Solo on the shrimp (22 replies)
  55. Parker Pete's Memorial Day Sea Bass (0 replies)
  56. Photos Prowler5, Mon., May27th, It's Fluke Time, Capt. Glenn (1 replies)
  57. Cape May - Down Deep Seabass & Drum 5/26/& 5/27 (0 replies)
  58. Another good day fluking (4 replies)
  59. Fishermen/Monday's Fishing Report (4 replies)
  60. GAMBLER Good Fluke Report (2 replies)
  61. Ocean Exploring Sea Bass Sunday (0 replies)
  62. Holiday Bass (0 replies)
  63. New Hampshire ground fishing (6 replies)
  64. Capt. Bob and the Gambler to host wounded Vets on June 5th! (14 replies)
  65. Nite stripers / Fishermen (2 replies)
  66. Fish Head Sunday Stripers (5 replies)
  67. Golden Eagle First NIte Blues 2013 (0 replies)
  68. 5/26 pm seabass report (3 replies)
  69. Normak3 Fluke Report 5/26/13 (0 replies)
  70. Party Boat Angler Sunday Report (2 replies)
  71. Dorothy B 5/26 Fluke report (0 replies)
  72. FISHERMEN?Sunday's Bass Fishing Report! (1 replies)
  73. Ocean Explorer Sea Bass Sunday (1 replies)
  74. On The Bank With Big Mac! (0 replies)
  75. On The Bank With Big Mac! (0 replies)
  76. Sunday Afternoon Stripers On The Prowler V (2 replies)
  77. Thanks to all who served (10 replies)
  78. SRI hazard (2 replies)
  79. Big Jamaica 5-25 Report (0 replies)
  80. Any luck oceanfront surf? (2 replies)
  81. Golden Eagle - Saturday Report (0 replies)
  82. Ocean Explorer Saturday Sea Bass (1 replies)
  83. Chasin'tail 5/24 Slow Sloppy Bassin (0 replies)
  84. 5/24 seabass report (2 replies)
  85. bingo (3 replies)
  86. Canal (0 replies)
  87. Surf is coming alive with the weather. (1 replies)
  88. Stiper fishing is still red hot in Raritan Bay (3 replies)
  89. Fintastic Friday slow bassing 5/24 (0 replies)
  90. Fisher Price IV 5/24 Am/Pm Bass Report (2 replies)
  91. This Weekend (4 replies)
  92. BOUNTY HUNTER - Good Seabass Fishing For The Keith Taboada Charter, 5/24 (1 replies)
  93. On The Bank With Big Mac!h (0 replies)
  94. Capt. Dan / Fishermen (18 replies)
  95. SEA HORSE 5/24 Fishing Report and Weekend Update (0 replies)
  96. Dorothy B Friday 5/24 fluke report (3 replies)
  97. FISHERMEN/ The Bite is Back!!! Friday 5/24 Report (10 replies)
  98. Party Boat Angler Thursday Report Not Sailing Saturday (0 replies)
  99. Wed. Tuna.com Cod Trip (4 replies)
  100. Picture from the Excel (9 replies)
  101. Tarpon Fishing Boca Grande Florida (8 replies)
  102. Ocean Explorer Sea bass Friday (1 replies)
  103. Andreas Toy+Yamaha Outboard Marine Motors (16 replies)
  104. Miss Belmar - Friday striper report (0 replies)
  105. O. C. Maryland Charters (3 replies)
  106. Down Deep Sportfishing - 5/23 Jumbo Drum (2 replies)
  107. Bermuda (1 replies)
  108. Andreas Toy...Maintenance and Crew trip (5 replies)
  109. GAMBLER Striper Report and Fluke Trips (1 replies)
  110. Tilefishing (17 replies)
  111. Sea Horse - We have a Charter! (0 replies)
  112. Weekend Report: Good Sunday 5/19 (6 replies)
  113. FISHERMEN/ Some beauties again today!! Thursday (3 replies)
  114. Normak3 Fishing Report 5/23/2013 (0 replies)
  115. 5/21/13 cod haddock pollock cusk and a Basking shark (0 replies)
  116. Fintastic late weekend report (0 replies)
  117. Great Day Yesterday For NJ Anglers on Relentless (1 replies)
  118. Fisher Price IV 5/22 (0 replies)
  119. Launch Reopens (1 replies)
  120. The weather is killin me (12 replies)
  121. BOUNTY HUNTER - Good Bass Fishing With The Keith Stanhope Charter, 5/21 (2 replies)
  122. Looking for open spot raritan bay bass 5/24 (1 replies)
  123. SRI stripers (1 replies)
  124. Cock Robin- LET 2013 BASS SEASON BEGIN!! (3 replies)
  125. It is live line time in Raritan Bay (2 replies)
  126. Monger canyon trip 5-22-13 (23 replies)
  127. Cod on the Wrecks! (1 replies)
  128. FISH STIX - Reports 5/21 & 5/22 Liveeeee Lineeeee!!! (4 replies)
  129. Raritan Bay Surf Report (0 replies)
  130. Sea Horse Pics (1 replies)
  131. Sea Tiger II Fluke Report (0 replies)
  132. Sea Horse - Bad weather Conditions! (0 replies)
  133. 5/22 afternoon bassing (0 replies)
  134. Party Boat Angler Wednesday Slow Fluking (2 replies)
  135. Golden Eagle Wednesday Stripers (0 replies)
  136. Andreas Toy Charters Stripers-Seabass Trip with the Adam Conley Charter (1 replies)
  137. Ocean Exploring the Sea Bass (0 replies)
  138. FISHERMEN/Better Bite today, Wednesday. (0 replies)
  139. Down Deep Drum 5/21 (0 replies)
  140. Reel Class Bass to 36lbs (3 replies)
  141. Paramount - Last Couple days of Sea Bass Fishing (2 replies)
  142. Surf report- Tuesday 5/21 (0 replies)
  143. Jersey Nutz Reports 5/12 – 5/21 the kids have been on board (3 replies)
  144. Spearing (8 replies)
  145. Recreational Clamming (3 replies)
  146. Keansburg Pier to Reopen (3 replies)
  147. NJ FISHING 20% off Member Discount (0 replies)
  148. Good fluking (1 replies)
  149. Pool winner! (0 replies)
  150. Sea Horse - Good conditions, good fishing! (0 replies)
  151. shark river floating dock (2 replies)
  152. mad gaffer bass report today tues. 5/21 (0 replies)
  153. Party Boat Angler Tuesday Good Fluking (4 replies)
  154. Parker Pete's bottom fish and more (0 replies)
  155. papa's angels 5/21 report a fun day of fishing (2 replies)
  156. BOUNTY HUNTER - A Much Better Day With The Ken Steiner Charter, 5/21 (0 replies)
  157. Bounty Hunter - Another tough one with the Eric Passanante Charter 5/21 (0 replies)
  158. Cicadas as Bait? (7 replies)
  159. Nice Angling (0 replies)
  160. Golden Eagle - Good Striper Fishing Today (0 replies)
  161. FISHERMEN/Tuesday Stripers....Big Fish. (2 replies)
  162. Dorothy B 5/21 AM Fluke report (1 replies)
  163. Miss Belmar striper report (1 replies)
  164. Fisher Price 5/21 Bass (0 replies)
  165. PROWLER5 - THURS. MAY 23rd FLUKE (0 replies)
  166. 5/21 reporting from location (3 replies)
  167. Ling this Week (4 replies)
  168. Big Kid Maja Afternoon Slaughter (0 replies)
  169. Monday Bass Raritan Bay (0 replies)
  170. No Blitz But Steady Pick! (0 replies)
  171. The winner of Hi Mar fundraiser is ? (11 replies)
  172. FISH STIX - Awesome Live Lining 5/20 STACKED (2 replies)
  173. Sunday Striper Bite (0 replies)
  174. Shark river exploring monday (4 replies)
  175. Pm seabass trip (1 replies)
  176. First drum trip (6 replies)
  177. Kayak fluke fishing Highlands (7 replies)
  178. Andreas Toy Striper Trip with the John Beutel Charter (1 replies)
  179. Twin River Report (2 replies)
  180. GAMBLER --Striper Report and Upcoming Trips (5 replies)
  181. Dorothy B Monday 5/20 fluke report (0 replies)
  182. Golden Eagle - Weekend & Monday (0 replies)
  183. Party Boat Angler Mondat Fluke Report (2 replies)
  184. Weather (6 replies)
  185. What does X fish per day mean regarding regulations? (6 replies)
  186. Fisher Price IV 5/20 Bass Report (0 replies)
  187. Miss Belmar - weekend wrap up (0 replies)
  188. Hot And Cold Weekend (0 replies)
  189. Chasin'tail Tough Opening Weekend (1 replies)
  190. Gambler Sunday catchin in the rain (8 replies)
  191. Sunday Blitz On Stellwagen! (0 replies)
  192. Normak3 Weekend Report, Fluke / Bluefish (4 replies)
  193. Megan Bethj Weekend recap. (3 replies)
  194. Keyport Bulkhead (0 replies)
  195. Inlet Blues (0 replies)
  196. May 18th and 19th bass/fluke reports (2 replies)
  197. Sunday seabass (2 replies)
  198. Prowler5 - Sun., May 19, Very Slow Day, Capt. Glenn (4 replies)
  199. Party Boat Angler Weekend Fluke Report (7 replies)
  200. Sea Horse - A rainy Day, but here's the pics. (0 replies)
  201. Saturday Christmas day (2 replies)
  202. Sea Horse - A slow day. (1 replies)
  203. FISHERMEN/One day Up, next day down!! Sunday (2 replies)
  204. Ocean Explorer Sunday (4 replies)
  205. Fluke-a-thon Turned Out To Be Yet Another 3-Ling Circus (10 replies)
  206. Opening day on the dirty shrimp (1 replies)
  207. Any pp canal action (2 replies)
  208. Big Kid limits of Bass up to 37 pounds (3 replies)
  209. Bottom Fishing on The ANGLER (5 replies)
  210. Tuna.com (2 replies)
  211. Fisher Price IV 5/16 - 5/19 Bass Reports (3 replies)
  212. parker Petes 5/18 pm bass beatdown (0 replies)
  213. Prowler5 - Sat. May 18th Day And 3:30 Bass Report, Capt. Glenn (0 replies)
  214. Look At these Beauties ! (2 replies)
  215. Cape May - Down Deep Seabass (0 replies)
  216. FISH STIX - 5/18 a.m./p.m. Stripers Blowing Up! (0 replies)
  217. Flucking late report 5/18 (2 replies)
  218. East Of Stellwagen! (0 replies)
  219. Open Boat Stripers 5/18/13 (0 replies)
  220. Cape May- Down Deep Drumming (0 replies)
  221. Dorothy B Opening Day Fluke Report (2 replies)
  222. 05/18/13 Cod Pollock (2 replies)
  223. Reel Class Saturday 5/18 Fluke & Stripers (3 replies)
  224. papa's angels 5/18 report (0 replies)
  225. 5/17 tile report (9 replies)
  226. Normak3 Opening Fluke Report (0 replies)
  227. The Pool winner ! (1 replies)
  228. Prowler V Bass (0 replies)
  229. Sea Horse - First Fluke Trip! (0 replies)
  230. Golden Eagle Blues & Bass (0 replies)
  231. 5/18 Slow Bassing, but worked for some nice ones (0 replies)
  232. Big Jamaica Saturday 5-18 (0 replies)
  233. Great day fluking (6 replies)
  234. FISHERMEN/The bite was on today!!!! (5 replies)
  235. Fluke Opening Day 5/18 (2 replies)
  236. bottom fishing 5/17 (0 replies)
  237. Parker Petes 5/18 morning bass (0 replies)
  238. Are Bluefish in Bay around Keyport (8 replies)
  239. Radian bay kayak (1 replies)
  240. Ocean Explorer Fluke Report Sea Bass tomorrow.. (1 replies)
  241. Opening day fluke Shark River (8 replies)
  242. Any word on the fluke? (3 replies)
  243. Andreas Toy 2 Days of Striper Fishing with Hodges-Tyas Charter (0 replies)
  244. Monger Bassing (1 replies)
  245. BOUNTY HUNTER - Tough Day With The Vincent Zola Charter. 5/17 (1 replies)
  246. Friday 5/17 raritan bay (4 replies)
  247. FISH STIX - Stripers All Dayyyyy Live Line to 30lbs (1 replies)
  248. 21 Jcsa annual striper tournament tommorrow (1 replies)
  249. papa's angels 5/17 report bass limits to 19 lbs (0 replies)
  250. Sea Horse - Last Striper Trip. (0 replies)