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  1. mike osuch/jenny lee bluefin 7/29/13
  2. jenny lee/ record setting blue marlin
  3. Blues in Raritan Bay
  4. Fishermen/ Wed nite fishing
  5. Fisher Price 7/31 Bluefin
  6. addys boat ride / and work
  7. FISH TANK - Mon, Tues and Wed Recap
  8. Golden Touch - Fluke + Lunch + Dinner- WOW!!!
  9. Reel Class Thursday 8/1 Fluke Limits +
  10. Concerned?
  11. Pride Fishing Fluke Monday
  12. Sat. Bft buddy up
  13. Ling and seabass tomorrow in PP
  14. Miss Belmar - excellent blue fishing continues!
  15. Golden Eagle - More Excellent Bluefishing
  16. FISHERMEN/Couple big fish today!
  17. Fishing in St Maarten...HELP
  18. Party Boat Angler Thursday Report
  19. Leonardo Fluke Tournament 8-3..
  20. Made this Shirt today
  21. Tuna Info Needed - please help
  22. Canyon Runner Wed/Thurs - 6 More Big-Eyes & 70+ Yellowfin
  23. what the hell
  24. Prowler5 - Fri., Aug. 2nd, Good Fluking, Capt. Scott
  25. 7/31/1 Jamaca II Fluke
  26. Happy birthday Vintastic!
  27. 8/1/13 fluking
  28. Ocean X Friday
  29. Big Jamaica - Excellent Bluefishing Continues
  30. mad gaffer sea bass report 8/2
  31. Golden Eagle - More Of The Same Outstanding Bluefishing
  32. FISHERMEN/Friday's fishing report and Pics!!
  33. Party Boat Angler Friday Report
  34. Capt Cal Party Boat Belmar Fluke Report 8-2-13
  35. Fisher Price IV 8/2 Thresher Sharks!!!
  36. Miss Belmar - another exceptional day of blue fishing!
  37. Royal Miss Belmar Friday report
  38. Friday Fluke limits plus!
  39. Andreas Toy Fluke 8/2/13
  40. Dorothy B Friday 8-2 good fluking today
  41. Reel Class Friday 8/2 Fluke & Mixed Bag
  42. Prowler5 - Fri. Aug. 2, 3:30-9:00 Trip, Capt. Scott
  43. Friday August 2nd Fluke report ( quality and quantity )- Johnny Bucktails
  44. Sea Hunter Friday PM Fluke
  45. BOUNTY HUNTER - Open Boat Fluke Report, 8/2
  46. Crabbing spots in central nj?
  47. Keyport Kids Snapper Derby
  48. flukin
  49. Jamaica II 8/2/2013 PM
  50. Any Day Now
  51. Fishermen/ Fri. nite fishing
  52. Ocean explorer Saturday
  53. Ling trip tonight
  54. Insufishent Funds Bluefin 8/1/2013
  55. mad gaffer sea bass report sat 8/3
  56. Big Jamaica Bluefish Report
  57. Leonardo flukemasters
  58. Party Boat Angler Saturday Report
  59. Fisher Price IV 8/3 Leonardo Fluke Masters 2nd Place Finish
  60. Prowler V Fluke 8/3
  61. Reel Class 8/3 Boat Limit +
  62. TnT Fluke Masters 1st place finish... For the LAB
  63. Megan Beth 8-3 report
  64. 8/3 Bft
  65. Z Team Masters...
  66. Great day on the Flatties
  67. Drifting two drift socks?
  68. $1000.00 Fluke Bounty Captured - SEA HORSE
  69. BOUNTY HUNTER - Bluefish With The Bill Fox Charter, 8/3
  70. Fluke masters tourney 4th place
  71. Offshore TILE "beast" report
  72. leonardo fluke master tourney REPORT - Johnny Bucktails
  73. Sandworms
  74. atlanticstarfishing 8/4
  75. Bluefin Report 8/3
  76. Big Jamaica Bluefish Sunday 8-4
  77. mad gaffer sea bass report Sunday 8/4
  78. Party Boat Angler Sunday Fluke Report
  79. Golden Eagle - Sunday Report - The Blues Keep Coming
  80. papa's angels 8/4 report
  81. Reel Class Sunday 8/4 Fluke -- Another Solid Day!
  82. sunday fluking
  83. Good weekend of Fluking
  84. Flukin 8-4
  85. Reel Action 8/4 Fluke
  86. Jcsa Fluke Tornament
  87. bottom fishing
  88. Tuna Wahoo August 4th
  89. Sunday 8/4 Flukin
  90. BOUNTY HUNTER - Seabass With The Mike Lewis Charter, 8/4
  91. jenny lee large blue marlin photos
  92. Golden Touch - Boat Limit to 8 lbs + JP's Banana
  93. Down in fla for the week
  94. Whale being freed from nets.... Awesome video.
  95. Fishermen/ Sun. afternoon fishing
  96. marina in Keyport?
  97. Saturday Fluke Limit with 4ft Hammerhead out of BI
  98. Any fluke in the back of RB?
  99. Inshore Overnighter on the Monger this past Sunday!
  100. Inshore Overnighter on the Monger this past Sunday!
  101. Fisher Price IV 8/4 Threshers
  102. Ocean Explorer Monday
  103. Golden Eagle - Monday Excellent Bluefishing
  104. FISHERMEN/Monday's Fluke fishing report..
  105. Excellent Bluefishing Monday - Big Jamaica
  106. shark ID
  107. papa's angels 8/5 report
  108. Late report-Sunday Fluke
  109. Reel Class Monday 8/5 Fluke Limits +
  110. Miss Belmar super blue fishing continues
  111. Party Boat Angler Monday New Big Pool Leader
  112. snapperd
  113. Paramount Monday Marathon
  114. Fluke fishing this past Sunday 08/04
  115. Andreas Toy Offshore Mixed Bag Open Boat Trip 8-5
  116. BOUNTY HUNTER - Open Boat Fluke Report, 8/5
  117. Monday on the MiJo
  118. Fishermen/Mon. nite fishing
  119. Manasquan jetty
  120. Croakers in Raritan Bay
  121. Prowler5 - Tues., Aug. 6th, Very Good Fluking, Capt. Scott
  122. Monday Private boat “slob trip”
  123. Sick tile fishing
  124. Chasin'tail 8/4 Solo Thresher Trip
  125. Ocean Explorer Tuesday
  126. Reel Class Tuesday 8/6 Bluefish
  127. Big Jamaica - Bluefishing Tuesday
  128. mad gaffer sea bass report monday 8/6
  129. mad gaffer sea bass report monday 8/6
  130. Jamaica II -Tuesday am
  131. Staten Island Ferry - New Reef - Please Help
  132. Fishermen/Silver Eel saga
  133. Dales Fluking today
  134. Miss Belmar excellent blue fishing
  135. Capt Cal Party Boat Belmar Fluke Tuesday
  136. FISHERMEN/9 pounder today!! Very good action..
  137. Fisher Price IV 8/6 Fluke Limits
  138. Blues at Shark River Reef
  139. NJ Fishing Tuna Trip
  140. Great Flukin
  141. Party Boat Angler Very Good Fluking
  142. Parker Pete Aug 6 Fluke-athon
  143. Tues good fluke
  144. Michael Mandel 8/6 BFT charter
  145. Ling, Loster & Threshers On The Wrecks.. Tagged Fish
  146. kil song's bluefin trip 8/3/13
  147. jenny lee day trip 8/6/13
  148. Welcome new Sponsor to NJfishing.com Head Hunter Sportfishing/Bluefin Report 7/5
  149. Golden Touch Fluke
  150. Fishermen/Tue.nite fishing
  151. Outer Banks, NC
  152. Sandy Hook 8-6-13
  153. Guys Check out Insufishent Funds on Shark Week
  154. Miss Belmar - another EXCELLENT morning of blue fishing!
  155. Ocean Explorer Wednesday
  156. Royal Miss Belmar excellent fishing this morning!
  157. Golden Eagle - Wednesday Outstanding Bluefishing
  158. Coming Soon - BSC and JCAA Fluke Tournaments
  159. Prowler5 - Wed., Aug. 7th, Fluke Report, Capt. Scott
  160. Fisher Price IV 8/7 Fluke Limits!!!
  161. Party Boat Angler Wednesday Not Like Yesterday
  162. FISHERMEN/Crap Wendnesday!
  163. BOUNTY HUNTER - Blue Limit With the Chuck Jendrejeski Charter, 8/6
  164. Seadog high +dry
  165. Tough Choice?
  166. Maine (Pemaquid/BoothBay) Recommendation
  167. Fishermen/BEST NITE OF SEASON
  168. BOUNTY HUNTER - Open Boat Fluke Report, 8/7
  169. Prowler5 - Thurs., Aug. 8th, Fluke Report, Capt. Scott
  170. Golden Eagle - Thursday Outstanding Blues & Bonita
  171. Miss Belmar excellent blues and more bonita today!
  172. Royal Miss Belmar
  173. FISHERMEN/Much Better fishing today with limits and Quality fish!
  174. Party Boat Angler Thursday Report
  175. Hudson Fishing
  176. Fluking Tomorrow
  177. My next fishing Adventure.
  178. Rip
  179. just found out about a tournament 8/10/2013
  180. 8/8. Good Wreck Fishing........ Tagged Fish
  181. FISH STIX - 7 days of Reports + 2nd in JCSA
  182. gambler tomorrow,anyone else????
  183. reef fluking
  184. Reel Class Friday 8/9 Report
  185. Royal Miss Belmar - Friday report
  186. FISHERMEN/Fridays fishing report.....
  187. Miss Belmar - excellent fishing day & night!
  188. Party Boat Angler Friday Report
  189. Big Jamaica- Excellent BLuefishing Friday
  190. mad gaffer
  191. A Week's Worth Report: 8/4-8/9
  192. FISHERMEN/FRI. nite slaughter
  193. Photos - Prowler5 - Sat., Aug. 10th, Fluke Report, Capt. Scott
  194. Ocean Explorer Saturday
  195. mad gaffer fishing report sat. 8/10
  196. FISHERMEN/Saturdays fishing Report....
  197. Mantolokin Bridge crabbing park
  198. Decent day of fishing
  199. Nj Fishing Tuna Trip
  200. Party Boat Angler Another Good Marathon
  201. Prowler V Good Fluking Continues!
  202. Megan Beth 8/10/13
  203. Paramount Saturday Bottom Fishing Report
  204. Lucky 13 on a slow day
  205. FISH STIX - 8/10 Fluke to over 7lbs
  206. Ocean Explorer Sunday
  207. Photos - Sun., Aug. 11th, Nice Quality Fluke Today, Capt. Scott
  208. FISHERMEN/Some Nice fish today...Sunday!
  209. mad gaffer fluke report sun. aug. 11
  210. BOUNTY HUNTER - Blues With The Rocco Catalano Charter, 8/10
  211. SWABC Tourney Second Place Finish - Johnny Bucktails
  212. Party Boat Angler Sunday Big Fish
  213. papa's angels 8/11 report
  214. Reel Class Saturday/Sunday Reports -- Bluefish & Fluke!
  215. Mud hole/ monster ledge
  216. Weekend Fluking 8-10& 11
  217. Golden Touch Open Boat Report Sunday 8/11
  218. atlanticstarfishing 8/11
  219. Day 1 Cock Robin...Ya never know what will happen?
  220. Great day of fluking
  221. With Whom to Fish in Ocean City, NJ?
  222. LBI Fishing/ crabbing info needed
  223. BOUNTY HUNTER - Blues With Don & Emily Beshada, 8/11
  224. Fishermen/ Sun. afternoon fishing
  225. Gambler - Thank You!
  226. Wildwood Crest info
  227. Head Hunter Bluefin Report Sun. 8/11
  228. Saturday Fluking
  229. Trolling Etiquette
  230. Capelins available $20/ 33lb flat - see pics!
  231. 170# bigeye caught on Garone Custom Black Hole Giant Rod
  232. MudHole Hammerhead Released
  233. Bottom Fishing...... Tagged Fish
  234. Prowler5 - Mon., Aug. 12th, Good Fluking, Quality Fish Again, Capt. Scott
  235. Royal Miss Belmar weekend wrap up
  236. Miss Belmar phenomenal blue fishing continues!
  237. Alaska 2013
  238. Golden Eagle - Outstanding Bluefishing Day & Nite
  239. Pride Fishing Annual Summer Super Sale and Free Rod/Reel Raffle
  240. super duper flukin- boat limit by 11:am
  241. Mad gaffer Monday open boat fluke report
  242. Reel Class Monday 8/12 Fluke Report - Another Good Day!
  243. Ocean Explorer's Bounty: 8/12 Report
  244. Party Boat Angler Monday Big Fluke
  245. Jamaica II - report - 8-12
  246. Salmon Bellies?
  247. Skates anyone?
  248. 8/12
  249. Day 2 Cock Robin...and It Just HAPPENED!
  250. Roosters Flukin 8-12