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  1. Boating safety (4 replies)
  2. 11th annual Fluke tourn (0 replies)
  3. FISH STIX - 7/31 Fluke (3 replies)
  4. Party Boat Angler Thursday report (6 replies)
  5. Dorothy B Thu. report (0 replies)
  6. Last Minute Bluefin Trip Friday AM (11 replies)
  7. Megan Beth Bottom fishing 7/31/14 (2 replies)
  8. Ocean Explorer Thursday (4 replies)
  9. Down Deep Bullet -7/31 Open Boat Fluke Bale Job (8 replies)
  10. Paramount 7/31 Combo Trip (3 replies)
  11. FISHERMEN/Pick early then a late bite today, Thursday. (3 replies)
  12. Captain Cal Thursday (0 replies)
  13. 7/30 RB Fluke (0 replies)
  14. Prowler5 - Thursday, July 31st, Fluke Report (0 replies)
  15. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  16. Gambler - wreck fishing tonight - anyone going (2 replies)
  17. Miss Belmar - Another good day of angling for blues & bonito! (0 replies)
  18. Bingo Report Wednesday (0 replies)
  19. Trying to find a boat to go for mahi or tuna (15 replies)
  20. Possible spear fishing world record Fluke in NJ. (summer flounder) (3 replies)
  21. BOUNTY HUNTER - Fluke Report 7/29 (0 replies)
  22. Normak3 report 7/30/2014 (0 replies)
  23. Community Fire Co fluke tourney 8/2 (0 replies)
  24. JCAA Fluke Tournament 8/2 Register Online (0 replies)
  25. Jamaica II Weds. Fluke (7 replies)
  26. A good day on the DS. I think (15 replies)
  27. Golden Touch - 7/30 (2 replies)
  28. Dorothy B Wed report (2 replies)
  29. Fisher Price IV 8/30 Bluefins (8 replies)
  30. Andreas Toy Canyon Trip with Adam Conley's Crew (19 replies)
  31. Reel Class Reports 7/29-7/30 (2 replies)
  32. Wednesday Paramount Deepwater (2 replies)
  33. Roosters Flukin 7-30-14 (1 replies)
  34. FISH STIX - 7/30 Fluke to 9lbs (6 replies)
  35. FISH STIX - 7/29 Fluke Report (0 replies)
  36. Cock robin live report! (4 replies)
  37. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  38. Captain Cal Wednesday Fluke (0 replies)
  39. Party boat Angler Wednesday report (2 replies)
  40. FISHERMEN/Nice fish, just not enough today! Wednesday's Report (0 replies)
  41. Down Deep -7/30 6 am Open Boat Fluke trip (2 replies)
  42. JCSA Fluke Tournament 8/9/14 (3 replies)
  43. Ocean Explorer Wednesday (3 replies)
  44. Captain Cal Pictures of Fluke Marathon (0 replies)
  45. Good Times and Good Fluke'n Today 7/29 (2 replies)
  46. Lack of Fluke Reports (18 replies)
  47. Bottom fishing 7/29 (0 replies)
  48. GAMBLER Fluke and Night Trip Reports (0 replies)
  49. Jamaica II Tuesday (0 replies)
  50. Party boat Angler Tuesday fluke report (1 replies)
  51. Keyport - Sea Hawk Fluke - Report 7/29 (0 replies)
  52. Parker Pete bucktail Fluke 7/29 (0 replies)
  53. Captain Cal Fluke Marathon 9lbs 2oz. Pool Winner (6 replies)
  54. FISHERMEN/Big Fluke, nice fishing day once again! (4 replies)
  55. Giant Squid (6 replies)
  56. Golden Eagle - Tuesday - Excellent Fishing (0 replies)
  57. Fisher Price IV 7/29 Early Fluke Limits (0 replies)
  58. 3 Generations Bucktailing – Fish to 7 pounds - Part 2 (3 replies)
  59. 7/29 BFT on Russian Roulette (1 replies)
  60. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  61. Down Deep Bullet - 7/29 Open Boat Fluke (8 replies)
  62. rental rod rodeo!!!!!!!!! (0 replies)
  63. mad gaffer Bonita report (0 replies)
  64. Miss Belmar - All you want blues, bonito & albies! (0 replies)
  65. Ocean Explorer tuesday (0 replies)
  66. Tuesday Fluking (0 replies)
  67. Capt Steve (3 replies)
  68. Cape cod charter (9 replies)
  69. LBI reef or Garden State Reef North (1 replies)
  70. Yellowfin Tuna Locale (4 replies)
  71. Sea Girt & Axel reefs (1 replies)
  72. On The Water Fluke Seminars - 2 New Dates Added (0 replies)
  73. Bluefish (4 replies)
  74. papa's angels 7/28 report (0 replies)
  75. J2 - Monday (4 replies)
  76. Costa Rica Fishing? (2 replies)
  77. Big Jamaica - Blues - Bonito - Albies - 7-28 (0 replies)
  78. Golden Eagle - Blues - Bonita & Albie's (0 replies)
  79. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  80. FISHERMEN/ Monday....where were you? (7 replies)
  81. Beach Haven Tournament- Jersey Nutz (0 replies)
  82. Miss Belmar - Blues, bonito & albies! (0 replies)
  83. 7/28 Avery Lynn (10 replies)
  84. Sea Soda Elks Tournament 7/26 (3 replies)
  85. Ocean Explorer Monday (0 replies)
  86. Bft report (4 replies)
  87. Wildwood/Capemay Charters (5 replies)
  88. Jamaica II - weekend (1 replies)
  89. You shoulda been there (6 replies)
  90. Big Jamaica Sun. Night (4 replies)
  91. PP Elks on Golden Touch (8 replies)
  92. Down deep Bullet - 7/27 6 am Fluke trip (0 replies)
  93. raritan intel (1 replies)
  94. flukefishing 7/27 (0 replies)
  95. BOUNTY HUNTER - Blues With The Terry Davis Charter 7/27 (5 replies)
  96. My Mom (17 replies)
  97. Dorothy B Sunday report (0 replies)
  98. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  99. Mad gaffer 7/27 jigging and bottom fish report (2 replies)
  100. Evening Tide Fluking 8lbs (6 replies)
  101. Captain Cal 8 lb.. 8 oz pool Fluke (0 replies)
  102. Party boat angler sunday report (0 replies)
  103. Friday and Saturday Fluke reports - Johnny Bucktails (0 replies)
  104. Longshot 7-26 On the Water Fluke Seminar Report (17 replies)
  105. FISHERMEN/Had too tough it out today....Nice fish to show for it! (3 replies)
  106. FISH TANK - Fri and Sat Report (3 replies)
  107. jenny lee bluefin (3 replies)
  108. Down Deep - 7/27 6 am Fluke charter (0 replies)
  109. Looking for opinions (25 replies)
  110. Big Jamaica Lots of Blues & Bonito - Sailing 4:30PM Sunday (0 replies)
  111. PROWLER5 - SUN. , JULY 27th, DAY TRIP FLUKE REPORT AND 3:30 REPORT (2 replies)
  112. Pt pleasant elks report (3 replies)
  113. Need 1 More For Wed - Golden Touch Fluking (1 replies)
  114. Parker Pete fluke Trip reports week of 7/21-7/26 (0 replies)
  115. Down Deep - 7/26 6 am Open Boat Fluke (0 replies)
  116. Whoa... (0 replies)
  117. Russian Roulette Beach Haven report (4 replies)
  118. BFT report 7/26 (1 replies)
  119. Fluke and Salps in the Wash (1 replies)
  120. Elks Results (11 replies)
  121. Russian roulette elk tournament (2 replies)
  122. PP ELKS fluke tourney . (17 replies)
  123. Reel Class PP Elks Fluke Report (7/26) (1 replies)
  124. Clean and Dirty (0 replies)
  125. Oops I did it again (7 replies)
  126. Dorothy B Saturday report (0 replies)
  127. Sea Horse 7/26 Fluke Report (0 replies)
  128. FISHERMEN/Friday&Saturday's Report... (0 replies)
  129. Fluke limit (0 replies)
  130. FISH STIX - 7/26 PP Elks Fluke (0 replies)
  131. FISH STIX - 7/25 More Good Fluking (0 replies)
  132. Ocean Explorer Saturday (0 replies)
  133. Party boat Angler Saturday Report (3 replies)
  134. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  135. saturday stink fest (0 replies)
  136. Captain Cal 7 lb. 10 oz Fluke (0 replies)
  137. Sandy Hook Bay (0 replies)
  138. Best Fluking So Far! (0 replies)
  139. MAFMC plans August meeting to discuss specs (0 replies)
  140. Fluke fishing (0 replies)
  141. Island Beach Fishing/Camping? (1 replies)
  142. Down Deep 40' - 7/25 6 am Open Boat Fluke ! (0 replies)
  143. Dorothy B & Atlantic Star (0 replies)
  144. Slayed em on the shrimp (11 replies)
  145. Party Boat Angler Friday report (3 replies)
  146. Mad Gaffer 7/25 fishing report (0 replies)
  147. Fisher Price IV 7/25 Fluke Limits (0 replies)
  148. papa's angels 7/25 report (0 replies)
  149. Miss Belmar - Excellent blue fishing again today! (0 replies)
  150. Blig Jamaica Good Bluefishing Day & Night (0 replies)
  151. Down Deep Bullet - 7/25 6 AM Open Boat FLUKE TO 11 lbs. (7 replies)
  152. Captain Cal Belmar Fluke (0 replies)
  153. Water temps (2 replies)
  154. Garone Custom Rods deep drop charter 8/3-8/6 spots available (1 replies)
  155. Wahooooo!!!! (4 replies)
  156. Golden Eagle - Friday - Another Very Very Good Day (0 replies)
  157. Prowler5 - fri, july 25th, another excellent start to the fluke day (0 replies)
  158. Fluke Fishing (6 replies)
  159. Big Jamaica - Very Good Thursday Night (0 replies)
  160. Good Luck this weekend! (14 replies)
  161. Dorothy B Chartered Fri. PM Sat PM open both AM trips (0 replies)
  162. Another famous member!! (5 replies)
  163. *********tagged fish ********** (1 replies)
  164. Prowler5 - thurs, july 24th, good fluking (0 replies)
  165. Party boat Angler very good fluking today (0 replies)
  166. FISH STIX - 7/24 Better Fluking to 8lbs (2 replies)
  167. Looking for BFT Trip Fri/Sat! (1 replies)
  168. Hot Bite on Angler Party Boat Today (0 replies)
  169. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  170. Down Deep -7/24 Insane Ling & Bottom Dwellers (7 replies)
  171. FISHERMEN/Another excellent Day!! (10 replies)
  172. Red church reports? (4 replies)
  173. Miss Belmar - All the blues you wanted today! (0 replies)
  174. Captain Cal Fluke (0 replies)
  175. Ocean Explorer Thursday (0 replies)
  176. Golden Eagle - Thursday - Very Very Good Blues (2 replies)
  177. Fisher Price IV 7/24 Fluke Crush (4 replies)
  178. Fishermen/night fishing (4 replies)
  179. Down Deep Bullet - 7/24 6 am Open Boat Fluke Beatdown (3 replies)
  180. Looking to fish sat... (9 replies)
  181. NORMAK3 July 23rd Report (0 replies)
  182. Jamaica II (7 replies)
  183. Fisher Price IV 7/23 Fluke (0 replies)
  184. Beautiful Beautiful Mahi (6 replies)
  185. Summer Time Blue Fishing on the Cock Robin (5 replies)
  186. Party boat Angler Wednesday fluke report (1 replies)
  187. Golden Eagle - Wednesday's Fishing (0 replies)
  188. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  189. FISHERMEN/Today was the day to be a Party Boat Captain!!! (16 replies)
  190. Snappers??? (6 replies)
  191. Tuesday July 22nd Fluke Report - Johnny Bucktails (2 replies)
  192. Miss Belmar - Wednesday fishing (0 replies)
  193. Captain Cal Wednesday (1 replies)
  194. Ocean Explorer Wednesday (0 replies)
  195. Sea girt reef report? (1 replies)
  196. 2014 jersey coast fluke tournament (jcaa) (0 replies)
  197. Ocean Explorer Tuesday (0 replies)
  198. Down Deep Bullet - 7/23 6 am Open Boat Fluke Beatdown (9 replies)
  199. caution beach goers And fisherman! (5 replies)
  200. HOTREELS stripers and commercial macks (0 replies)
  201. hudson (2 replies)
  202. Good bottom fishing & fluke... Tagged fish (3 replies)
  203. bonitos (9 replies)
  204. Sri 7/22 (0 replies)
  205. Sea Horse 7/22 Fluke Report (0 replies)
  206. FISH STIX - 7/22 Fluke to 9lbs (5 replies)
  207. This Amazing Diving with Wolf Eels (0 replies)
  208. Capt. Cal Annual Company Fishing Trip (4 replies)
  209. Blue Fin Tuna Report (2 replies)
  210. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  211. Down Deep Bullet - 7/22 6 am Open Boat Fluke to 9.6 lbs. (2 replies)
  212. Captain Cal Fluke Marathon Tuesday (0 replies)
  213. FISHERMEN/Capt. Ron (26 replies)
  214. Party boat Angler Reel Tuesday fluke report (1 replies)
  215. Miss Belmar - All you want blues with bonito mixed in today (0 replies)
  216. Offshore Thursday and Friday (0 replies)
  217. Super Bluefishing Tuesday - Big Jamaica (0 replies)
  218. 7/21 Fluke Report - Dragging Bait = Keepers (15 replies)
  219. Normak3 - monday report 7/21/14 (0 replies)
  220. Reel Class Monday 7/21 Fluke "Report" & Pee-wee's (2 replies)
  221. Sunday Inside and Out Report: 6/20 (5 replies)
  222. Cape Cod 7/20 (7 replies)
  223. Dorothy B todays...fishing (14 replies)
  224. Bluefin out of MI 7-21 (1 replies)
  225. Jamaica II - Monday (6 replies)
  226. Big mohawk (0 replies)
  227. Paramount Monday Marathon (7 replies)
  228. Golden Eagle - Monday - Excellent Blues & Bonita (0 replies)
  229. Party Boat Angler Tuesday fluke report (0 replies)
  230. mad gaffer fluke & sea bass report mon. 7/21 (2 replies)
  231. Evening Tide Fluking 7/21 (0 replies)
  232. CRT II flukin (0 replies)
  233. Captain Cal Monday Report (1 replies)
  234. Big Jamaica - Blues & Bonito - Very Good Monday (0 replies)
  235. Thresher advice (9 replies)
  236. Miss Belmar - blues, bonito & a thresher shark! (1 replies)
  237. NORMAK3 Weekend Wrap-Up July 19th and 20th (0 replies)
  238. ablies/bonito tackle (9 replies)
  239. Ocean Explorer Monday (1 replies)
  240. Mahi setup (11 replies)
  241. Hudson Canyon 7/25-7/26 (0 replies)
  242. good botton fishing (4 replies)
  243. FISH TANK - Weekend Update (0 replies)
  244. Roman'Round Fluke Report (0 replies)
  245. Tinker Macks (1 replies)
  246. Fisher Price IV 7/20 Fluke (0 replies)
  247. Reel Class 7/20 (2 replies)
  248. Raritan Bay Anglers Club Fluke Tournament (0 replies)
  249. Parker Pete's Fluke trip recap (0 replies)
  250. Raritan bay fluke tournament -Johnny Bucktails (4 replies)