View Full Version : Salt Water Fishing
- Flukasaraus My PB today :) (288 replies)
- Fluke Season Ending (10 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Wednesday (1 replies)
- Party boat Angler 10 pound MAT today (7 replies)
- mad gaffer open boat correction tomorrow 9/18 (0 replies)
- mullet (1 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- FISHERMEN/Very Nice Fishing once again!! Wednesdays Report. (3 replies)
- Captain Cal Wednesday Fluke (0 replies)
- Canyon Tuna - Space Thursday 9-18 - Report (0 replies)
- Miss Belmar - Wednesday jumbo blues! (0 replies)
- Golden Eagle - Wednesday - Good Fishing - Big Blues (1 replies)
- Captain Cal Fluke Marathon Report (0 replies)
- Noaa forecast (0 replies)
- Bag'em Thurs? (1 replies)
- PB tuna fishing (9 replies)
- Sport Fishing & Boating Partnership Council taking input for teleconference (0 replies)
- montauk (2 replies)
- Fishermen/Nite Stripers (4 replies)
- Good bite on the J-2 today PM (1 replies)
- who saying the fluke are out of the bay?! (10 replies)
- River Bass (3 replies)
- fluking just about over (7 replies)
- Mimi tuna (13 replies)
- Party Boat Angler rainy Tuesday fluking (0 replies)
- Captain Cal- Fluke Marathon- "Good Day" (0 replies)
- SEA HORSE 9/16 Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Tilefish deep drop /tuna jigging set up? (6 replies)
- FISHERMEN/NEW BIG POOL LEADER! 9.4 pound Matt today! (2 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Tuesday (0 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Thanks again (2 replies)
- NOAA Wrong Again (16 replies)
- jenny lee sept 14/15 "gahnja city" (1 replies)
- Summer flounder rules in for revamp (16 replies)
- Hudson overnighter Sun-Mon (3 replies)
- Fisher Price IV 9/15 Fluke (0 replies)
- Fishermen/A decent nite of Fishing (1 replies)
- Prowler 5 9/15 Fluke and 9/16 3:30 Report (0 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Monday the big fish continue (2 replies)
- Keyport _ Sea Hawk -Flukeathon, blues, and some sea bass - 9/14 (0 replies)
- Paramount Monday Marathon (3 replies)
- Jamaica II-Fluke (3 replies)
- Captain Cal Fluke today.... (2 replies)
- Golden Eagle - Monday - Good Fishing for the Big Blues (0 replies)
- Mad gaffer 9/15 trigger/tog fishing (4 replies)
- Down Deep 40' - 9/15 FLUKE CHARTER (5 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Monday (5 replies)
- FISHERMEN/Mondays Fishing Report... (1 replies)
- thanks for the prayers (42 replies)
- Miss Belmar - weekend wrap up (1 replies)
- First time surf fishing for my son (4 replies)
- Wind down, seas up...what gives? (10 replies)
- Peanut Bunker Shrewsbury River (2 replies)
- Fishermen/Nite Striper update (1 replies)
- Where are the striper hot spots in the raritan bay??? (33 replies)
- New Striper Regs? JCAA Position? (4 replies)
- Sunday with BCinerie on the "DS" (3 replies)
- Blues on the Rocks (0 replies)
- Bottom Fishing Today (1 replies)
- Captain Cal FLUKE (1 replies)
- Prowler 5 9/14 Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Down Deep 40' - 9/14 6 AM OPEN BOAT FLUKE (2 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Angler Today 9/14 (4 replies)
- FISHERMEN/Sundays Fishing Report... (2 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sunday (0 replies)
- Mad gaffer 9/14 fluke report (1 replies)
- Back Bay Early Season Tog (9 replies)
- How are the seas looking? (1 replies)
- Back from Cape May (0 replies)
- Sea Horse 9/13 Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Raritan Bay Fall Striper Run (14 replies)
- Eastmans 9/12 Report Absolute Massacre! (2 replies)
- 9/12 Eastmans Pollack Slam Charter (2 replies)
- We"re a go (12 replies)
- Seining spearing (4 replies)
- Prowler 5 9/13 Fluke Report (3 replies)
- GAMBLER Fishing Reports and Canyon up-date (7 replies)
- Striper fishing?! (14 replies)
- Monday Mimi (4 replies)
- Madd gaffer 09/13 (0 replies)
- NOAA vs. GURU (14 replies)
- Fisher Price IV 9/12 SLow Fluking (0 replies)
- Virginia Beach - Northern Outerbanks (6 replies)
- Expensive little trip (0 replies)
- Down Deep 40' - 9/12 AM & PM Fluke reports (10 replies)
- A day with the fish........ (13 replies)
- ~~~~~~~ good bottom fishing..tagged fish ~~~~~~~ (2 replies)
- papa's angels 9/12 report (0 replies)
- Jamaica II - new monthly (7 replies)
- Fat Alberts (3 replies)
- Golden Eagle - Friday Bluefish Report (0 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Friday Report (0 replies)
- Prowler 5 9/12 Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Captain Cal Decent Day Fluke (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Friday (0 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Miss Belmar - Friday morning blues (1 replies)
- SEA HORSE Sept. 11th Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Prowler 5 9/11 Fluke Report (0 replies)
- FISHERMEN/Thursdays Fishing Report.... (14 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Thursday (0 replies)
- Big Jamaica Blues - Day & Night (0 replies)
- Crabbing (7 replies)
- USCG to Rescue-Buoys 44017 & 44025 Scheduled (2 replies)
- Meetings planned for spiny dogfish management (1 replies)
- Irish angler.... We wont forget... (4 replies)
- Fishermen/first good nite of many to come (4 replies)
- Never Forget (11 replies)
- Sea HORSE 9/10 Fluke Update (1 replies)
- BACK to WORK (0 replies)
- FISHERMEN/Update...Wednesdays Report. (0 replies)
- Tagging Little Tunny (0 replies)
- Down Deep - 35' BULLET & 40' DOWNEASTER (9 replies)
- Prowler 5 9/10 update (0 replies)
- and Andreas Toy- BLUES NEWS (4 replies)
- Fishermen/Nite Stripers Tonite (4 replies)
- Prowler 5 9/9 update (0 replies)
- Keyport - Sea Hawk Fluke bashing!! 6/7 (0 replies)
- Manasquan inlet report 9/9 (0 replies)
- Fox in the henhouse! (9 replies)
- FISHERMEN/You will be caught....... (30 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Update (1 replies)
- I hope this week isn't the end (31 replies)
- Canyon Report - Jamaica - Sailing 5PM Sept 14 (1 replies)
- live report (8 replies)
- Prowler 5 9/8 Update (0 replies)
- 9/7 Fluke Report on Jersey Key (10 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Monday (0 replies)
- Paramount Monday Marathon (10 replies)
- Miss Belmar - weekend wrap up (1 replies)
- Jamaican Princess Weekend Wrap up, Fluke, Bonita and Albies (2 replies)
- Yesterday on the gambler (0 replies)
- Saturday on the Mimi (3 replies)
- Fishermen/p.m.Stripers start on 9/12 (7 replies)
- Major review planned of all federal fishing rules (15 replies)
- Canyon was on fire !! (9 replies)
- Do you know what time it is? (17 replies)
- Lady m charters / open boat (2 replies)
- Sunday flukin on the shrimp (10 replies)
- FISH STIX - 9/7 Fluke to 8lbs+ (3 replies)
- Hudson Report Sept 5,6 (2 replies)
- Eastman's Whiting Slam 9/7 (6 replies)
- rats on the fly!/ flying fish (0 replies)
- Bones and Albies (5 replies)
- Prowler 5 Sunday 9/7 Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Down Deep 35' BULLET - 9/7 GREAT FLUKE CHARTER (0 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Sea Horse 9/7 Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Sunday Paramount (8 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Sunday report and schedule (0 replies)
- Bakers Marina (3 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sunday (0 replies)
- FISHERMEN/Search Mode paid off today!! Sundays Report. (2 replies)
- Fisher Price IV 9/7 Fluke (0 replies)
- Captain Cal Fluke Sunday (0 replies)
- jenny lee 9/5/14 (0 replies)
- jenny lee 9/3/14 18 tuna (5 replies)
- Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee plans public meeting (0 replies)
- Thursday-Friday overnighter report (0 replies)
- Big Jamaica -Blues and bonito (0 replies)
- Down Deep 35' BULLET - 9/6 GREAT OPEN BOAT FLUKE AGAIN (2 replies)
- Down Deep 40' - The Last 2 days of Seabass (0 replies)
- Raritan Bay Anglers kid fishing derby (3 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- FISHERMEN/ Another Door Matt Today!! 10.4 pounds (5 replies)
- Captain Cal Saturday FLUKE (0 replies)
- Sat morning quickie (3 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Saturday Report (2 replies)
- Jamaica II -*** Fluke (5 replies)
- Mad gaffer sea bass season wrap up (0 replies)
- Prowler5 - Saturday, September 6th, Fluke Report (0 replies)
- Not clear if some sharks are overfished (0 replies)
- Inshore trolling 9-5 (0 replies)
- FISH STIX - 9/5 Fluke Limit++ to 9lbs (5 replies)
- Flukin (0 replies)
- BOUNTY HUNTER - Seabass "Crush" Job, 9/5 (4 replies)
- My bad luck of blue fin tuna is ended today! (1 replies)
- A different kind of FISHING? (4 replies)
- Makosnax saves the day (4 replies)
- MM Magic Report 9/5 (3 replies)
- BONITO aboard the OPTOMIST (0 replies)
- Bittersweet fluking 9/5 (35 replies)
- Jamaica II Friday photos attached (1 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Friday report (0 replies)
- Sea Horse 9/6 Fluke Report (1 replies)
- Golden touch 9/5 seabass (11 replies)
- Down Deep 35' BULLET - 9/5 TRIPLE MATS !!! (8 replies)
- Captain Cal Friday-- Another Decent day (2 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Friday (3 replies)
- FISHERMEN/FRIDAYS Fluke fishing Report.. (2 replies)
- Rewind (36 replies)
- Mad gaffer 9/5 sea bass report (0 replies)
- Golden Eagle - Friday - Good Fishing for Big Blues (0 replies)
- Royal Miss Belmar - Friday blues. (0 replies)
- Miss Belmar - Friday blues. (0 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- 1st time crabbing - need help (4 replies)
- Lady m charters / open boat (0 replies)
- Pirates Cove NC Help (11 replies)
- Another Tuna Slaughter aboard the HEAD HUNTER! Pictures! (0 replies)
- scalloped! (0 replies)
- Who wants to fish this pm (4 replies)
- Dorothy B CHARTERED SATURDAY AM, normal open boat PM trip (1 replies)
- Help on catching seabass (2 replies)
- Fluke marathon (3 replies)
- Thoughts of PB that cancels trip at dock (12 replies)
- False albacore (7 replies)
- Who was Royal Parsons (6 replies)
- Finally found some Flatties (6 replies)
- Down Deep 35' BULLET - 9/4 6AM OPEN BOAT FLUKE / NICE FISH (0 replies)
- Down Deep 40' - 9/4 5AM - 5 PM MARATHON SEABASS (4 replies)
- BOUNTY HUNTER - Open Boat Seabass Limit, 9/4 (0 replies)
- FISHERMEN/Very good day of fishing...Thursdays Report! (5 replies)
- Roosters Flukin 9-4-14 (0 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Hot day / Hotter Fishing on Golden Touch (7 replies)
- Mad gaffer 9/4 open boat sea bass report (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Thursday (0 replies)
- any party boat canyon reports (0 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Thursday fluking (0 replies)
- Miss Belmar - Jumbo blues (0 replies)
- Captain Cal Thursday "Decent Day" (3 replies)
- FISH TANK - Wed Sea Bass Report (0 replies)
- South jersey fishing areas with own boat Potcong Creek area (3 replies)
- Prowler5 - Sept. 4th, Nice Size Fluke (1 replies)
- 9/3. Awesome fluke fishing. (6 replies)
- Wednesday-Thursday overnighter report (7 replies)
- help with mahi (7 replies)
- Need a fishing buddy for tomorrow leaving 8am from keyport (0 replies)
- Flukin on the monger... (5 replies)
- Live canyon update from the Russian Roulette! (0 replies)
- BOUNTY HUNTER - Seabass With The Dave Fleming Charter, 9/3 (0 replies)
- papa's angels 9/3 report (1 replies)
- FISH STIX - 9/3 Fluke & Seabass (0 replies)
- FISH STIX - 9/2 Fluke Limit + (0 replies)
- Down Deep 35' BULLET - 9/3 6AM OPEN BOAT FLUKE (0 replies)
- Party Boat Angler Wednesday report (3 replies)
- Down Deep 40' - 9/3 6AM OPEN BOAT SEABASS (0 replies)
- Golden Eagle - Wednesday - Very Good Fishing For Big Blues (0 replies)
- Keyport - Sea Hawk Labor Day Report ** Whopper Weekend Limits on Fluke and Seabass!! (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Wednesday (2 replies)
- Kids and headboat fluking (22 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Late Manasquan Tournament Report-Bigeye and Wahoo (0 replies)
- Mad gaffer 9/3 sea bass report (3 replies)
- Atlantic highlands municipal harbor marina (5 replies)
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