View Full Version : Salt Water Fishing
- Welcome Mushin Sportfishing (14 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Monday (0 replies)
- Sharkfest in Atlantic Highlands!!! (36 replies)
- Blackfish mount (19 replies)
- 38lb cod (20 replies)
- Bunker Chunkin Party Boat Style (10 replies)
- Jcaa fluke tournament 2015 (1 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sunday (16 replies)
- Tuna Wahoo ! 3/22/15 (0 replies)
- Quotas set for mackerel, squid & butterfish for 2015 (0 replies)
- Dates for sandyhook bay and Leonardo fluke tourney? (3 replies)
- Great Cod and Pollack Trip on the Russian Roulette -- 2015-03-20 (12 replies)
- Rahway Fishing Flea Market (3 replies)
- Gambler tuna schedule (7 replies)
- Saltwater Expo (26 replies)
- Some boats will have to carry monitors of sea turtles (8 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Thursday (2 replies)
- best maps for lowrance? (4 replies)
- crabhouse pier, edgewater (1 replies)
- Black Seabass venting? (15 replies)
- Jersey Key/2 months in the Keys (5 replies)
- STRIPER reg by state (10 replies)
- Amedments proposed for scallop fishing (2 replies)
- 2015 fluke season (3 replies)
- Costa Rica Fish ID (12 replies)
- United Yacht Sales at the Somerset Show this Weekend (1 replies)
- Charleston, SC (6 replies)
- NC blufins 3/14-15 (9 replies)
- Riviera Maya Mexico fishing? (13 replies)
- NOAA at the Somerset Show too!!! (2 replies)
- What do you think? (4 replies)
- Canyon Fishing Seminar at the Somerset Saltwater Expo (0 replies)
- Tuna Wahoo! 3/15/15 (0 replies)
- MARCH MADNESS- STYLE! (5 replies)
- Reel Life closure? (33 replies)
- Andreas Toy Costa Rica Trip (10 replies)
- NJ Fishing.Com Striper Tournament? (19 replies)
- Tuna Wahoo ! 3/14/15 (3 replies)
- Tarpon Fishing Boca Grande Pass (6 replies)
- Flounder? (28 replies)
- Saltwater Fishing Expo - 3/20-3/22 (10 replies)
- OCean Explorer Friday (5 replies)
- Fishing agencies (2 replies)
- New Capt. New Mate and soon to add new boat to to Fin Taz Tic Fleet (3 replies)
- Good stuff for the reefs (7 replies)
- Tuna Wahoo ! (0 replies)
- Legislation calls for standardized stock assessments (4 replies)
- Attention fisherman! Lost science equipment! (4 replies)
- Asbury Park show last week (4 replies)
- Welcome Duct Works Sportfishing (17 replies)
- Florida update-Pompano,Black Drum,Sheepshead and Blues (3 replies)
- J2 - Weds-pics (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer (0 replies)
- Russian Roulette COD & POLOCK SLAUGHTER 03/10 (20 replies)
- 20 more days (4 replies)
- norma K 2 sank (5 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Monday (2 replies)
- Russian Roulette Cod report 3/7 and 3/9 (13 replies)
- Still Too Cold in NJ? - Headed South for a Day (2 replies)
- Not quite yet :( (13 replies)
- Shark River conditions? (3 replies)
- News Flash Norma K sinking (9 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sunday (0 replies)
- If it eats crab I'm catching it!!! Sheepshead from the pier.. (10 replies)
- Huge Day for Our Veterans - Plus an 85" Giant On The Deck of the Canyon Runner Today (1 replies)
- Jamaica II - Sun- pics (0 replies)
- to bad sad (5 replies)
- tuna fishing. . (4 replies)
- Nj fishing gambler tuna trip (0 replies)
- Welcome Fisherman's Den (10 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Saturday (0 replies)
- The Recreational Fishing Alliance Endorses "A Vision for Managing America's Saltwater (0 replies)
- july, old orchard beach in maine (1 replies)
- Draft released for comment on essential fish habitat (0 replies)
- Cod Fishing Virgin (8 replies)
- Spring Sharking (0 replies)
- Fishing Sunday? (1 replies)
- Striped bass poacher convicted (7 replies)
- Panama City Beach recommendations (3 replies)
- First Striper! (7 replies)
- Stormr jacket (0 replies)
- Not clear on the bass rule change (12 replies)
- NMFS considering petition to protect thresher (11 replies)
- jenny lee " throw back thursday" oct 2011 (3 replies)
- Keyport Report (12 replies)
- Party Boat on the Knoll? (8 replies)
- Council meeting this Thursday in Absecon (4 replies)
- March Stripers (12 replies)
- Ocean Ex Saturday. (0 replies)
- Panel to develop recommendations on new shark fishing rules (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sunday (5 replies)
- 3/1 cod report (4 replies)
- Striper Opener (0 replies)
- Gear ratio (30 replies)
- Scientific & Statistical Committee meets in March (2 replies)
- Fishing expo next weekend. (25 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Saturday (1 replies)
- 2015 season (0 replies)
- If You Run a Gas Boat You Need to Take Action (19 replies)
- Islamorada, Marathon or Key West ? (13 replies)
- Tuna Wahoo ! (0 replies)
- Desperate to fish (30 replies)
- Grouper eating a Lionfish (3 replies)
- Buck tail storage idea (14 replies)
- NMFS- Still making progress on the Survey!!! (0 replies)
- jenny lee "throw back thursday" (4 replies)
- Atlantic highly migratory species panel plans 3-day public session (0 replies)
- Emergency Action on Blueline Tile (44 replies)
- Puerto Rico Fishing Guides??? (0 replies)
- J2 - Weds (2 replies)
- every two years? (26 replies)
- Prime spots in jeopardy (13 replies)
- yikes... check this out.. (3 replies)
- Polar Bear Spotted In The Highlands (4 replies)
- Coldest Day of the Year ! (6 replies)
- Last Chance - Canyon Runner NY Tickets - FREE Tickets & Tuna Trips - Military Vets! (0 replies)
- low water (10 replies)
- All I want to do is pour some lead!! (12 replies)
- The Squadron is Ready (0 replies)
- This Weather Stinks - Update (2 replies)
- let's go catch nothing (6 replies)
- Tough winter. I'm building some gear! (17 replies)
- Surf day 2015 (0 replies)
- which would you rather have??? (16 replies)
- Blackfish Overfished Reports Commission (21 replies)
- NO GO today- DAYTONA 500 CHALLENGE (3 replies)
- Whale murderer (12 replies)
- Parker Pete winter sport shows (1 replies)
- Mullica White Perch (6 replies)
- Ice flows & Offshore Temps (6 replies)
- Post Ice pictures and info here covering Bays, Rivers and ocean, 2015 (16 replies)
- NJ Boat Show with Presentations by NJ Crew (6 replies)
- First striper of 2015 (10 replies)
- jenny lee " throw back thursday" (5 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Wednesday (0 replies)
- Sailfish Marina (0 replies)
- our own Gerry to give a seminar thrusday at boat show. (33 replies)
- Ice (0 replies)
- Major Updates Canyon Runner NY Seminar - Tickets Almost Sold Out (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Tuesday (0 replies)
- Some new fishery voodoo numbers on sea bass (7 replies)
- NOAA asking about its surveys (4 replies)
- Stripers-Are you in or out? (46 replies)
- Artificial Reefs (12 replies)
- Chris Lido (17 replies)
- Fresh Fluke Anyone? (4 replies)
- Wicked Tuna Season#4 tonite (7 replies)
- Thank you from Hi-Mar!! (7 replies)
- Loss of my younger brother (16 replies)
- Public input sought on proposed Magnuson-Stevens guideline revisions (3 replies)
- Fish Revenge (3 replies)
- jenny lee " throw back thursday" (1 replies)
- 2015 Hi-Mar Fishing Flea Market Fundraiser (16 replies)
- April Blackfish? (2 replies)
- these guys need a bigger boat (10 replies)
- 2015 Fluke regs (1 replies)
- mad gaffer up coming 2015 bass season (0 replies)
- Tough times (8 replies)
- Changes proposed for Atlantic permit applaications (0 replies)
- Canyon Runner NY Seminar - Times Almost Up to Get Tickets - Miami Here We Come (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sunday (0 replies)
- Tilefish report comes out this month (0 replies)
- Moving from raritan bay to forked river (20 replies)
- Sailfish Marina (0 replies)
- NJSP Recover $13k in fishing gear (7 replies)
- 2/8 cod report (4 replies)
- Comment period opened on gamefish tagging reports (0 replies)
- Jamaica II -weekend w/pics (5 replies)
- Saltwater fish weight calculator (2 replies)
- Puerto Rico help (2 replies)
- Key West Fishing Help (8 replies)
- Another cape may tog trip (6 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Saturday (3 replies)
- 2/7 cod report (1 replies)
- jenny lee rescue article power and motor yacht (3 replies)
- Welcome Little Sister Charters - Quincy MA (33 replies)
- A blackfish season for the record books (12 replies)
- Fishing Charters - Consumer Fraud to anglers on board? (75 replies)
- Manasquan Inlet (6 replies)
- wake up the winter dead ! post personal best striper pics ! (16 replies)
- Wicked Tuna in the Asbury Park Press (5 replies)
- Memories and musings. (7 replies)
- Sailfish still biting....even while bottom fishing (5 replies)
- jenny lee "throw back thursday" 9/3/2007 (4 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Wednesday (0 replies)
- FISH STIX - BIG News!!!! (35 replies)
- 2015 Sea Bass Regs (2 replies)
- Underwater Tile Fish Video @750 feet (6 replies)
- Mahi Mayhem (0 replies)
- Anyone Fish Vero Beach? Looking for Recs (8 replies)
- Goblin Shark (9 replies)
- "WOW WHAT A SEMINAR" - NY Canyon Runner Seminar Tickets Going Fast (0 replies)
- Holy cow...what a day in CAncun (2 replies)
- Cape may tog trip (26 replies)
- The Shrimpman hex (10 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sunday (0 replies)
- hoping , for a better year than last ! trash talking is out of hand ! (13 replies)
- Site Sponsor FREE Advertising @ The Somerset Saltwater Expo (9 replies)
- Research on marine protected areas planned (0 replies)
- I wouldn't mind winter if the water stayed at 45 or above :) (7 replies)
- ***** 2015 Down Deep Sportfishing ...... (8 replies)
- NO GO today- SUPER BOWL CHALLENGE (5 replies)
- Whiting @ Wegmans= disgrace... (36 replies)
- Andreas Toy San Diego Bottom Fishing Trip (7 replies)
- Raritan Bay Anglers Club Fishing Flea Market (11 replies)
- Osprey atlantic city (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Thursday (15 replies)
- jenny lee "throw back thursday" (0 replies)
- Wind Guru was boss (5 replies)
- CO busts, amazing what you read: (11 replies)
- Track a Shark (9 replies)
- We lost a great Capt. (0 replies)
- Riveria Maya fishing suggestions (6 replies)
- Blizzard makes spring seem far away (3 replies)
- Memories of our changing times (46 replies)
- Funny forecast (3 replies)
- Sunday With Capt Matt (7 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Sunday (0 replies)
- Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council meets in February (0 replies)
- ~~~~~~ tog, ling, cod & pollock..tagged fish ~~~~~~~ (1 replies)
- Down Deep - 1/23 6 AM OPEN BOAT CODFISH ! (2 replies)
- mad gaffer blackfish report January 23 Friday (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Friday (0 replies)
- Bedtter data needed to cope with changing ocean (2 replies)
- Data shows menhaden are more abundant than thought (4 replies)
- Things Are On Fire ! (5 replies)
- 2013 Final report on the performance of the northeast multispecies (groundfish) fishe (0 replies)
- Raritan Bay Anglers Flea Market Reminder (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Thursday (0 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Party Boat Angler update (5 replies)
- Fish Monger II Blackfish Tues 1/20 to 12lbs Wed 1/21 to 10.5lbs (2 replies)
- JCAA Comments on New Fluke Addendum (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Wednesday (6 replies)
- Down Deep - 1/21 6 AM OPEN BOAT CODFISH ! (7 replies)
- Bad couple of weeks (29 replies)
- surf fishing forum? (17 replies)
- New bycatch reporting rules proposed (0 replies)
- Big mohawk (0 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Tuesday (5 replies)
- Parker Pete 2014 Recap (0 replies)
- Thank You for a Great 2014 Season! (15 replies)
- LAST SHOT - Canyon Runner AC Seminar - 25 Tickets Left - 10 FREE for Military (2 replies)
- Venice LA or Gulfport MS? (6 replies)
- Ocean Explorer Monday (4 replies)
- Tuesday mimi roll call. (6 replies)
- No surrender (0 replies)
- Manasquan glimmer glass??? (6 replies)
- Tile fishing (34 replies)
- Flounder limits cut through April (27 replies)
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